Projects running under linux.
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Logo Alpenglow 1.0.6

by kdomokos2 - April 26, 2021, 12:57:51 CET [ Project Homepage BibTeX Download ] 9372 views, 2864 downloads, 1 subscription

About: A recommender systems research framework aimed at modeling non-stationary environments.


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Logo Stochaskell 1.0.0

by davidar - February 8, 2021, 08:21:07 CET [ Project Homepage BibTeX BibTeX for corresponding Paper Download ] 9200 views, 1836 downloads, 1 subscription

About: A probabilistic programming language embedded in Haskell.


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Logo Theano 1.0.2

by jaberg - May 23, 2018, 16:34:31 CET [ Project Homepage BibTeX BibTeX for corresponding Paper Download ] 108685 views, 21021 downloads, 0 subscriptions

About: A Python library that allows you to define, optimize, and evaluate mathematical expressions involving multi-dimensional arrays efficiently. Dynamically generates CPU and GPU modules for good performance. Deep Learning Tutorials illustrate deep learning with Theano.


Theano 1.0.2 (23rd of May, 2018)

This is a maintenance release of Theano, version 1.0.2, with no new features, but some important bug fixes.

We recommend that everybody update to this version.

Highlights (since 1.0.1):

  • Theano should work under PyPy now (this is experimental).
  • Update for cuDNN 7.1 RNN API changes.
  • Fix for a crash related to mixed dtypes with cuDNN convolutions.
  • MAGMA should work in more cases without manual config.
  • Handle reductions with non-default accumulator dtype better on the GPU.
  • Improvements to the test suite so that it fails less often due to random chance.

A total of 6 people contributed to this release since 1.0.1:

  • Frederic Bastien
  • Steven Bocco
  • Jon Haygood
  • Arnaud Bergeron
  • Jordan Melendez
  • Desiree Vogt-Lee
  • Garming Sam
  • Pascal Lamblin
  • Vincent Dumoulin
  • Glexin
  • Simon Lefrancois

Logo JMLR dlib ml 19.11

by davis685 - May 18, 2018, 04:19:52 CET [ Project Homepage BibTeX BibTeX for corresponding Paper Download ] 444184 views, 82975 downloads, 0 subscriptions

About: This project is a C++ toolkit containing machine learning algorithms and tools for creating complex software in C++ to solve real world problems.


This release adds a bunch of new image processing routines as well as many minor usability improvements and bug fixes.

Logo Databases for DMNS source codes 1.0

by openpr_nlpr - May 15, 2018, 07:56:12 CET [ Project Homepage BibTeX BibTeX for corresponding Paper Download ] 12952 views, 2848 downloads, 0 subscriptions

About: In DMNS source, five databases are used in slover.cpp and data_veh_layer.cpp, these images and databases are included in this file, except munich database.


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Logo Source codes of DMNS based on caffe platform 1.0

by openpr_nlpr - May 15, 2018, 07:52:48 CET [ Project Homepage BibTeX BibTeX for corresponding Paper Download ] 13581 views, 2751 downloads, 0 subscriptions

About: Deep measuring net sequence(DMNS) is a sequence of three deep measuring nets, the later are deep fcn-based networks, directely output object category score, object orientation, location and scale simultaneously without any anchor boxes. DMNS acheived high accuracy in maneuvering target detection and geometrical measurements. Its average orientation error is less than 3.5 degree, loaction error less than 1.3 pixel, scale measuring error less than 10%, achieve a detection F1-score 96.5% in OAD, 91.8% in SVDS ,90.8% in Munich , 87.3% in OIRDS, outperforms SSD, Fater R-CNN, etc.


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Logo AffectiveTweets 1.0.1

by felipebravom - May 14, 2018, 08:20:50 CET [ Project Homepage BibTeX Download ] 16085 views, 4389 downloads, 0 subscriptions

About: A WEKA package for analyzing emotion and sentiment of tweets.


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Logo Armadillo library 8.500

by cu24gjf - April 23, 2018, 17:29:44 CET [ Project Homepage BibTeX Download ] 287533 views, 70723 downloads, 0 subscriptions

Rating Whole StarWhole StarWhole StarWhole StarEmpty Star
(based on 3 votes)

About: Armadillo is a high quality C++ library for linear algebra & scientific computing, aiming towards a good balance between speed and ease of use. The function syntax is deliberately similar to MATLAB. Useful for algorithm development directly in C++, or quick conversion of research code into production environments (eg. software & hardware products).

  • faster handling of sparse matrices by kron() and repmat()
  • faster transpose of sparse matrices
  • faster element access in sparse matrices
  • faster row iterators for sparse matrices
  • faster handling of compound expressions by trace()
  • more efficient handling of aliasing in submatrix views
  • expanded normalise() to handle sparse matrices
  • expanded .transform() and .for_each() to handle sparse matrices
  • added reverse() for reversing order of elements
  • added repelem() for replicating elements
  • added roots() for finding the roots of a polynomial

Logo Barista 0.3

by klemms - April 16, 2018, 17:13:03 CET [ Project Homepage BibTeX BibTeX for corresponding Paper Download ] 20824 views, 3541 downloads, 0 subscriptions

About: A Graphical Tool for Designing and Training Deep Neural Networks

  • new Caffe version manager
  • added separate executable for remote server
  • new Session cloning behavior
  • improved Host Manager design
  • change database location in Input Manager
  • many smaller improvements and bugfixes

Logo Somoclu 1.7.5

by peterwittek - March 1, 2018, 23:30:34 CET [ Project Homepage BibTeX BibTeX for corresponding Paper Download ] 97774 views, 18041 downloads, 0 subscriptions

About: Somoclu is a massively parallel implementation of self-organizing maps. It relies on OpenMP for multicore execution, MPI for distributing the workload, and it can be accelerated by CUDA on a GPU cluster. A sparse kernel is also included, which is useful for training maps on vector spaces generated in text mining processes. Apart from a command line interface, Python, Julia, R, and MATLAB are supported.

  • New: A Makefile for mingw to build on Windows.
  • Changed: PR #94 added a much more efficient sparse kernel.
  • Changed: boilerplate code for Julia greatly improved.
  • Changed: Code cleanup, pre-processor macros simplified.
  • Changed: Adapted to Seaborn API changes in plotting heatmaps.

Logo MLweb 1.2

by lauerfab - February 23, 2018, 15:40:27 CET [ Project Homepage BibTeX BibTeX for corresponding Paper Download ] 49748 views, 11509 downloads, 0 subscriptions

About: MLweb is an open source project that aims at bringing machine learning capabilities into web pages and web applications, while maintaining all computations on the client side. It includes (i) a javascript library to enable scientific computing within web pages, (ii) a javascript library implementing machine learning algorithms for classification, regression, clustering and dimensionality reduction, (iii) a web application providing a matlab-like development environment.

  • Add bibtex entry of corresponding Neurocomputing paper
  • Create javascript modules to avoid global scope pollution in web pages

Logo DataDeps.jl v0.2.2

by oxinabox - February 8, 2018, 03:54:26 CET [ Project Homepage BibTeX Download ] 6020 views, 1727 downloads, 0 subscriptions

About: DataDeps is a package for simplifying the management of data in your julia application. In particular it is designed to make getting static data from some server into the local machine, and making programs know where that data is trivial.


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Logo Indefinite Core Vector Machine 0.1

by fmschleif - January 5, 2018, 22:35:38 CET [ Project Homepage BibTeX BibTeX for corresponding Paper Download ] 8577 views, 1618 downloads, 0 subscriptions

About: Armadillo/C++ implementation of the Indefinite Core Vector Machine


Some tiny errors in the Nystroem demo scripts - should be ok now Initial Announcement on

Logo WEKA 3.9.2

by mhall - December 22, 2017, 03:39:19 CET [ Project Homepage BibTeX BibTeX for corresponding Paper Download ] 146690 views, 35612 downloads, 0 subscriptions

Rating Whole StarWhole StarWhole StarWhole StarEmpty Star
(based on 6 votes)

About: The Weka workbench contains a collection of visualization tools and algorithms for data analysis and predictive modelling, together with graphical user interfaces for easy access to this [...]


This release include a lot of bug fixes and improvements. Some of these are detailed at

As usual, for a complete list of changes refer to the changelogs.

Logo Operator Discretization Library 0.6

by jonasadl - December 19, 2017, 15:24:08 CET [ Project Homepage BibTeX Download ] 6229 views, 1677 downloads, 0 subscriptions

About: Operator Discretization Library (ODL) is a Python library that enables research in inverse problems on realistic or real data.


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Logo Aboleth 0.7

by dsteinberg - December 14, 2017, 02:39:19 CET [ Project Homepage BibTeX Download ] 18026 views, 4819 downloads, 0 subscriptions

About: A bare-bones TensorFlow framework for Bayesian deep learning and Gaussian process approximation


Release 0.7.0

  • Update to TensorFlow r1.4.

  • Tutorials in the documentation on:

  • Interfacing with Keras

  • Saving/loading models

  • How to build a variety of regressors with Aboleth

  • New prediction module with some convenience functions, including freezing the weight samples during prediction.

  • Bayesian convolutional layers with accompanying demo.

  • Allow the number of samples drawn from a model to be varied by using placeholders.

  • Generalise the feature embedding layers to work on matrix inputs (instead of just column vectors).

  • Numerous numerical and usability fixes.

Logo sparkcrowd 0.1.5

by enriquegrodrigo - December 13, 2017, 13:13:35 CET [ Project Homepage BibTeX Download ] 13107 views, 3394 downloads, 0 subscriptions

About: A Spark package implementing algorithms for learning from crowdsourced big data.


Changes: - Minor improvements in code and documentation

Logo DFLsklearn, Hyperparameters optimization in Scikit Learn 0.1

by vlatorre - November 23, 2017, 13:14:36 CET [ Project Homepage BibTeX Download ] 5679 views, 1988 downloads, 0 subscriptions

About: A method to optimize the hyperparameters for machine learning methods implemented in Scikit-learn based on Derivative Free Optimization


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Logo Obandit 0.2

by fre - November 6, 2017, 14:33:02 CET [ Project Homepage BibTeX BibTeX for corresponding Paper Download ] 6930 views, 1610 downloads, 0 subscriptions

About: Obandit is an Ocaml module for multi-armed bandits. It supports the EXP, UCB and Epsilon-greedy family of algorithms.


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by billandreo - October 31, 2017, 16:01:32 CET [ Project Homepage BibTeX Download ] 7176 views, 3934 downloads, 0 subscriptions

About: This is a tool for retrieving nearest neighbors and clustering of large categorical data sets represented in transactional form. The clustering is achieved via a locality-sensitive hashing of categorical datasets for speed and scalability.


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