About: Jatecs is an open source Java library focused on automatic text categorization. Changes:Initial Announcement on mloss.org.
About: ELKI is a framework for implementing data-mining algorithms with support for index structures, that includes a wide variety of clustering and outlier detection methods. Changes:Additions and improvements from ELKI 0.7.0 to 0.7.1: Algorithm additions:
Important bug fixes:
UI improvements:
Smaller changes:
About: A Python based library for running experiments with Deep Learning and Ensembles on GPUs. Changes:Initial Announcement on mloss.org.
About: testing mloss.org Changes:Initial Announcement on mloss.org.
About: An extensible C++ library of Hierarchical Bayesian clustering algorithms, such as Bayesian Gaussian mixture models, variational Dirichlet processes, Gaussian latent Dirichlet allocation and more. Changes:New maximum cluster argument for all algorithms. Also no more matlab interface since it seemed no one was using it, and I cannot support it any longer.
About: Bayesian Additive Regression Trees Changes:Fetched by r-cran-robot on 2018-09-01 00:00:04.269138
About: Collection of algorithms for Gaussian Processes. Regression, Classification, Multi task, Multi output, Hierarchical, Sparse Changes:Initial Announcement on mloss.org.
About: The Libra Toolkit is a collection of algorithms for learning and inference with discrete probabilistic models, including Bayesian networks, Markov networks, dependency networks, sum-product networks, arithmetic circuits, and mixtures of trees. Changes:Version 1.1.2d (12/29/2015):
About: a tool for marking samples in images for database building, also including algorithm of LBP,HOG,and classifiers of SVM (six kernels), adaboost,BP and convolutional networks, extreme learning machine. Changes:Initial Announcement on mloss.org.
About: DiffSharp is a functional automatic differentiation (AD) library providing gradients, Hessians, Jacobians, directional derivatives, and matrix-free Hessian- and Jacobian-vector products as higher-order functions. It allows exact and efficient calculation of derivatives, with support for nesting. Changes:Fixed: Bug fix in forward AD implementation of Sigmoid and ReLU for D, DV, and DM (fixes #16, thank you @mrakgr) Improvement: Performance improvement by removing several more Parallel.For and Array.Parallel.map operations, working better with OpenBLAS multithreading Added: Operations involving incompatible dimensions of DV and DM will now throw exceptions for warning the user
About: A Matlab implementation of Sparse PCA using the inverse power method for nonlinear eigenproblems. Changes:
About: Lua-MapReduce framework implemented in Lua using luamongo driver and MongoDB as storage. It follows Iterative MapReduce for training of Machine Learning statistical models. Changes:
About: BayesOpt is an efficient, C++ implementation of the Bayesian optimization methodology for nonlinear-optimization, experimental design and stochastic bandits. In the literature it is also called Sequential Kriging Optimization (SKO) or Efficient Global Optimization (EGO). There are also interfaces for C, Matlab/Octave and Python. Changes:-Fixed bug in save/restore. -Fixed bug in initial design.
About: This MATLAB package provides the MLAPG algorithm proposed in our ICCV 2015 paper. It is efficient for PSD constrained metric learning, and also effective for person re-identification. For more details, please visit http://www.cbsr.ia.ac.cn/users/scliao/projects/mlapg/. Changes:Initial Announcement on mloss.org.
About: APRIL-ANN toolkit (A Pattern Recognizer In Lua with Artificial Neural Networks). This toolkit incorporates ANN algorithms (as dropout, stacked denoising auto-encoders, convolutional neural networks), with other pattern recognition methods as hidden makov models (HMMs) among others. Changes:
About: Software for Automatic Construction and Inference of DBNs Based on Mathematical Models Changes:Initial Announcement on mloss.org.
About: LOFS is a software toolbox for online streaming feature selection Changes:Initial Announcement on mloss.org.
About: Easily prototype WEKA classifiers and filters using Python scripts. Changes:0.3.0
About: An open-source Python toolbox to analyze mobile phone metadata. Changes:Initial Announcement on mloss.org.
About: This algorithm is described in Deep Semantic Ranking Based Hashing for Multi-Label Image Retrieval. See https://github.com/zhaofang0627/cuda-convnet-for-hashing Changes:Initial Announcement on mloss.org.