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Logo JMLR GPML Gaussian Processes for Machine Learning Toolbox 4.1

by hn - November 27, 2017, 19:26:13 CET [ Project Homepage BibTeX Download ] 89025 views, 19908 downloads, 0 subscriptions

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About: The GPML toolbox is a flexible and generic Octave/Matlab implementation of inference and prediction with Gaussian process models. The toolbox offers exact inference, approximate inference for non-Gaussian likelihoods (Laplace's Method, Expectation Propagation, Variational Bayes) as well for large datasets (FITC, VFE, KISS-GP). A wide range of covariance, likelihood, mean and hyperprior functions allows to create very complex GP models.


Logdet-estimation functionality for grid-based approximate covariances

  • Lanczos subspace estimation

  • Chebyshef polynomial expansion

More generic infEP functionality

  • dense computations and sparse approximations using the same code

  • covering KL inference as a special cas of EP

New infKL function contributed by Emtiyaz Khan and Wu Lin

  • Conjugate-Computation Variational Inference algorithm

  • much more scalable than previous versions

Time-series covariance functions on the positive real line

  • covW (i-times integrated) Wiener process covariance

  • covOU (i-times integrated) Ornstein-Uhlenbeck process covariance (contributed by Juan Pablo Carbajal)

  • covULL underdamped linear Langevin process covariance (contributed by Robert MacKay)

  • covFBM Fractional Brownian motion covariance

New covariance functions

  • covWarp implements k(w(x),w(z)) where w is a "warping" function

  • covMatern has been extended to also accept non-integer distance parameters

Logo FEAST 2.0.0

by apocock - January 8, 2017, 00:49:19 CET [ Project Homepage BibTeX BibTeX for corresponding Paper Download ] 76357 views, 12885 downloads, 0 subscriptions

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About: FEAST provides implementations of common mutual information based filter feature selection algorithms (mim, mifs, mrmr, cmim, icap, jmi, disr, fcbf, etc), and an implementation of RELIEF. Written for C/C++ & Matlab.


Major refactoring of FEAST to improve speed and portability.

  • FEAST now clones the input data if it's floating point and discretises it to unsigned ints once in a single pass. This improves the speed by about 30%.
  • FEAST now has unsigned int entry points which avoid this discretisation and are much faster if the data is already categorical.
  • Added weighted feature selection algorithms to FEAST which can be used for cost-sensitive feature selection.
  • Added a Java API using JNI.
  • FEAST now returns the internal score for each feature according to the criterion. Available in all three APIs.
  • Rearranged the repository to make it easier to work with. Header files are now in `include`, source in `src`, the MATLAB API is in `matlab/` and the Java API is in `java/`.
  • FEAST now compiles cleanly using `-std=c89 -Wall -Werror`.

Logo JMLR GPstuff 4.7

by avehtari - June 9, 2016, 17:45:15 CET [ Project Homepage BibTeX BibTeX for corresponding Paper Download ] 92197 views, 21061 downloads, 0 subscriptions

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About: The GPstuff toolbox is a versatile collection of Gaussian process models and computational tools required for inference. The tools include, among others, various inference methods, sparse approximations and model assessment methods.


2016-06-09 Version 4.7

Development and release branches available at

New features

  • Simple Bayesian Optimization demo


  • Improved use of PSIS
  • More options added to gp_monotonic
  • Monotonicity now works for additive covariance functions with selected variables
  • Possibility to use gpcf_squared.m-covariance function with derivative observations/monotonicity
  • Default behaviour made more robust by changing default jitter from 1e-9 to 1e-6
  • LA-LOO uses the cavity method as the default (see Vehtari et al (2016). Bayesian leave-one-out cross-validation approximations for Gaussian latent variable models. JMLR, accpeted for publication)
  • Selected variables -option works now better with monotonicity


  • small error in derivative observation computation fixed
  • several minor bug fixes

Logo JMLR libDAI 0.3.2

by jorism - July 17, 2015, 15:59:55 CET [ Project Homepage BibTeX BibTeX for corresponding Paper Download ] 96546 views, 18946 downloads, 0 subscriptions

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About: libDAI provides free & open source implementations of various (approximate) inference methods for graphical models with discrete variables, including Bayesian networks and Markov Random Fields.


Release 0.3.2 fixes various bugs and adds GLC (Generalized Loop Corrections) written by Siamak Ravanbakhsh.

Logo TMBP 1.0

by zengjia - April 5, 2012, 06:42:26 CET [ BibTeX BibTeX for corresponding Paper Download ] 16788 views, 6970 downloads, 0 subscriptions

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About: Message passing for topic modeling

  1. improve "readme.pdf".
  2. correct some compilation errors.

Logo LSTM for biological sequence analysis 1.0

by mhex - July 28, 2010, 16:32:29 CET [ Project Homepage BibTeX BibTeX for corresponding Paper Download ] 16484 views, 3736 downloads, 0 subscriptions

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About: Implementation of LSTM for biological sequence analysis (classification, regression, motif discovery, remote homology detection). Additionally a LSTM as logistic regression with spectrum kernel is included.


Spectrum LSTM package included

Logo HSSVM 1.0.1

by xjbean - June 8, 2010, 16:16:05 CET [ Project Homepage BibTeX BibTeX for corresponding Paper Download ] 29806 views, 5941 downloads, 0 subscriptions

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About: HSSVM is a software for solving multi-class problem using Hyper-sphere Support Vector Machines model, implemented by Java.

  1. From this version, the version number is normalized to hssvm1.0.1;
  2. In this version, we delete the features about running parameter searching and run-all from Ant script, that is, commands "ant search-param" and "ant run-all" which exist in previous version are no longer available, and they are replaced with commands "svm search conf" and "svm runall conf", both of them are used on Linux(or all other POSIX systems).If you want to use this program on Windows, the cygwin is required to be installed.

Logo SimpleMKL 0.5

by arakotom - June 11, 2008, 00:56:47 CET [ Project Homepage BibTeX Download ] 20389 views, 5386 downloads, 1 subscription

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About: Matlab Multiple Kernel Learning toolbox. Features : MKL for SVM Classification, Regression and MultiClass. It needs SVM-KM Toolbox


Initial Announcement on

Logo RapidMiner 4.0

by ingomierswa - November 16, 2007, 02:31:48 CET [ Project Homepage BibTeX BibTeX for corresponding Paper Download ] 29322 views, 5497 downloads, 0 comments, 0 subscriptions

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About: RapidMiner (formerly YALE) is one of the most widely used open-source data mining suites and software solutions due to its leading-edge technologies and its functional range. Applications of [...]


Initial Announcement on

Logo JMLR MLPACK 3.0.2

by rcurtin - June 9, 2018, 18:03:57 CET [ Project Homepage BibTeX BibTeX for corresponding Paper Download ] 237275 views, 41773 downloads, 0 subscriptions

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About: A fast, flexible C++ machine learning library, with bindings to other languages.


Released June 8th, 2018.

  • Documentation generation fixes for Python bindings (#1421).
  • Fix build error for man pages if command-line bindings are not being built (#1424).
  • Add shuffle parameter and Shuffle() method to KFoldCV (#1412). This will shuffle the data when the object is constructed, or when Shuffle() is called.
  • Added neural network layers: AtrousConvolution (#1390), Embedding (#1401), and LayerNorm (layer normalization) (#1389).
  • Add Pendulum environment for reinforcement learning (#1388) and update Mountain Car environment (#1394).

Logo r-cran-e1071 1.6-8

by r-cran-robot - January 1, 2018, 00:00:07 CET [ Project Homepage BibTeX Download ] 87785 views, 20473 downloads, 0 subscriptions

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About: Misc Functions of the Department of Statistics, Probability Theory Group (Formerly


Fetched by r-cran-robot on 2018-01-01 00:00:07.696284

Logo APCluster 1.4.4

by UBod - July 28, 2017, 09:47:32 CET [ Project Homepage BibTeX BibTeX for corresponding Paper Download ] 111414 views, 21130 downloads, 0 subscriptions

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About: The apcluster package implements Frey's and Dueck's Affinity Propagation clustering in R. The package further provides leveraged affinity propagation, exemplar-based agglomerative clustering, and various tools for visual analysis of clustering results.

  • changed dependency to suggested package 'kebabs' to version of at least 1.5.4 for improved interoperability
  • bug fix in as.dendrogram() method with signature 'AggExResult'
  • added discrepancy metric to distance computations and updated src/distanceL.c to new version
  • registered C/C++ subroutines
  • minor change in the vignette template
  • moved NEWS to inst/NEWS
  • added inst/COPYRIGHT

Logo JMLR scikitlearn 0.18.1

by fabianp - November 28, 2016, 17:45:27 CET [ Project Homepage BibTeX BibTeX for corresponding Paper Download ] 67495 views, 21797 downloads, 0 subscriptions

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About: The scikit-learn project is a machine learning library in Python.


Update for 0.18 .1

Logo FABIA 2.8.0

by hochreit - October 18, 2013, 10:14:57 CET [ Project Homepage BibTeX BibTeX for corresponding Paper Download ] 37723 views, 7799 downloads, 0 subscriptions

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About: FABIA is a biclustering algorithm that clusters rows and columns of a matrix simultaneously. Consequently, members of a row cluster are similar to each other on a subset of columns and, analogously, members of a column cluster are similar to each other on a subset of rows. Biclusters are found by factor analysis where both the factors and the loading matrix are sparse. FABIA is a multiplicative model that extracts linear dependencies between samples and feature patterns. Applications include detection of transcriptional modules in gene expression data and identification of haplotypes/>identity by descent< consisting of rare variants obtained by next generation sequencing.




o rescaling of lapla
o extractPlot does not plot sorted matrices


o spfabia bugfixes



o Getters and setters for class Factorization


  • spfabia: fabia for a sparse data matrix (in sparse matrix format) and sparse vector/matrix computations in the code to speed up computations. spfabia applications: (a) detecting >identity by descent< in next generation sequencing data with rare variants, (b) detecting >shared haplotypes< in disease studies based on next generation sequencing data with rare variants;
  • fabia for non-negative factorization (parameter: non_negative);
  • changed to C and removed dependencies to Rcpp;
  • improved update for lambda (alpha should be smaller, e.g. 0.03);
  • introduced maximal number of row elements (lL);
  • introduced cycle bL when upper bounds nL or lL are effective;
  • reduced computational complexity;
  • bug fixes: (a) update formula for lambda: tighter approximation, (b) corrected inverse of the conditional covariance matrix of z;


  • New option nL: maximal number of biclusters per row element;
  • Sort biclusters according to information content;
  • Improved and extended preprocessing;
  • Update to R2.13

Logo Rchemcpp 1.99.0

by klambaue - September 10, 2013, 09:10:13 CET [ Project Homepage BibTeX Download ] 18985 views, 4211 downloads, 0 subscriptions

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About: The Rchemcpp package implements the marginalized graph kernel and extensions, Tanimoto kernels, graph kernels, pharmacophore and 3D kernels suggested for measuring the similarity of molecules.


Moved from CRAN to Bioconductor. Improved handling of molecules, visualization and examples.

Logo scikits.learn 0.6

by fabianp - December 22, 2010, 11:58:30 CET [ Project Homepage BibTeX Download ] 19204 views, 3968 downloads, 0 subscriptions

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About: Obsolete. Use instead.


0.6 release

Logo PSVM 1.31

by mhex - July 29, 2010, 10:02:12 CET [ Project Homepage BibTeX BibTeX for corresponding Paper Download ] 13040 views, 3117 downloads, 0 subscriptions

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About: PSVM - Support vector classification, regression and feature extraction for non-square dyadic data, non-Mercer kernels.


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Logo CRFsuite 0.8

by chokkan - March 18, 2009, 15:19:02 CET [ Project Homepage BibTeX Download ] 13350 views, 3251 downloads, 0 subscriptions

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About: CRFSuite is a speed-oriented implementation of Conditional Random Fields (CRFs). This software features: parameter estimation using SGD and L-BFGS, l1/l2 regularization, simple data I/O format, etc.


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Logo Graph kernel based on iterative graph similarity and optimal assignments 2008-01-15

by mrupp - September 22, 2008, 13:42:28 CET [ Project Homepage BibTeX BibTeX for corresponding Paper Download ] 17079 views, 3571 downloads, 0 subscriptions

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About: Java package implementing a kernel for (molecular) graphs based on iterative graph similarity and optimal assignments.


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Logo PyML a python machine learning library focused on kernel methods 0.7.0

by asa - May 29, 2008, 22:23:39 CET [ Project Homepage BibTeX Download ] 15097 views, 4007 downloads, 0 comments, 0 subscriptions

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About: PyML is an interactive object oriented framework for machine learning in python with a focus on kernel methods.


Initial Announcement on

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