About: Easy differential privacy Changes:Initial Announcement on mloss.org.
About: glyph is a python 3 library based on deap providing abstraction layers for symbolic regression problems. Changes:Initial Announcement on mloss.org.
About: Large scale, distributed graph processing made easy. Changes:Graph partitioning methods APSP approximation method Performance improvements License change Bug fixes
About: A Matlab benchmarking toolbox for online and adaptive regression with kernels. Changes:
About: DynaML is a Scala environment for conducting research and education in Machine Learning. DynaML comes packaged with a powerful library of classes implementing predictive models and a Scala REPL where one can not only build custom models but also play around with data work-flows. Changes:Initial Announcement on mloss.org.
About: Extending Lasso Model Fitting to Big Data Changes:Fetched by r-cran-robot on 2018-09-01 00:00:04.365069
About: Code for Calibrated AdaMEC for binary cost-sensitive classification. The method is just AdaBoost that properly calibrates its probability estimates and uses a cost-sensitive (i.e. risk-minimizing) decision threshold to classify new data. Changes:Updated license information
About: MSVMpack is a Multi-class Support Vector Machine (M-SVM) package. It is dedicated to SVMs which can handle more than two classes without relying on decomposition methods and implements the four M-SVM models from the literature: Weston and Watkins M-SVM, Crammer and Singer M-SVM, Lee, Lin and Wahba M-SVM, and the M-SVM2 of Guermeur and Monfrini. Changes:
About: OpenNN is a software library written in C++ for advanced analytics. It implements neural networks, the most successful machine learning method. The library has been designed to learn from both data sets and mathematical models. Changes:New algorithms, correction of bugs.
About: A mutual information library for C and Mex bindings for MATLAB. Aimed at feature selection, and provides simple methods to calculate mutual information, conditional mutual information, entropy, conditional entropy, Renyi entropy/mutual information, and weighted variants of Shannon entropies/mutual informations. Works with discrete distributions, and expects column vectors of features. Changes:Fixed a Windows compilation bug. MIToolbox v3 should now compile using Visual Studio.
About: A native Python, scikit-compatible, implementation of a variety of multi-label classification algorithms. Changes:
About: The new R package opusminer provides an R interface to the OPUS Miner algorithm (implemented in C++) for finding the key associations in transaction data efficiently, in the form of self-sufficient itemsets, using either leverage or lift. Changes:Initial Announcement on mloss.org.
About: ADENINE (A Data ExploratioN pIpeliNE) is a machine learning framework for data exploration that encompasses state-of-the-art techniques for missing values imputing, data preprocessing, unsupervised feature learning and clustering tasks. Changes:
About: The proposed hashing algorithm leverages the bootstrap sampling idea and integrates it with PCA, resulting in a new projection method called Bagging PCA Hashing. Changes:Initial Announcement on mloss.org.
About: This is an online hashing algorithm which can handle the stream data with low computational cost. Changes:Initial Announcement on mloss.org.
About: NaN-toolbox is a statistics and machine learning toolbox for handling data with and without missing values. Changes:Changes in v.3.1.2 - improve configuration and build system - support of more platforms (including Octave 4.2.0) improved Changes in v.3.0.3 - improve compatibility for Octave on Windows Changes in v.3.0.1 - fix packaging for octave Changes in v.2.8.5 - bug fix: trimmean - compiler support for gcc-5 and clang - fix typos For details see the CHANGELOG at http://pub.ist.ac.at/~schloegl/matlab/NaN/CHANGELOG
About: LogReg-Crowds is a collection of Julia implementations of various approaches for learning a logistic regression model multiple annotators and crowds, namely the works of Raykar et al. (2010), Rodrigues et al. (2013) and Dawid and Skene (1979). Changes:Initial Announcement on mloss.org. Added GitHub page.
About: MA-sLDAr is a C++ implementation of the supervised topic models with response variables provided by multiple annotators with different levels of expertise. Changes:Initial Announcement on mloss.org.
About: MA-sLDAc is a C++ implementation of the supervised topic models with labels provided by multiple annotators with different levels of expertise. Changes:Initial Announcement on mloss.org.
About: General purpose Java Machine Learning library for classification, regression, and clustering. Changes:See github release tab for change info