About: Bob is a free signal-processing and machine learning toolbox originally developed by the Biometrics group at Idiap Research Institute, in Switzerland. Changes:Bob 1.2.0 comes about 1 year after we released Bob 1.0.0. This new release comes with a big set of new features and lots of changes under the hood to make your experiments run even smoother. Some statistics: Diff URL: https://github.com/idiap/bob/compare/v1.1.4...HEAD Commits: 629 Files changed: 954 Contributors: 7 Here is a quick list of things you should pay attention for while integrating your satellite packages against Bob 1.2.x:
For a detailed list of changes and additions, please look at our Changelog page for this release and minor updates: https://github.com/idiap/bob/wiki/Changelog-from-1.1.4-to-1.2 https://github.com/idiap/bob/wiki/Changelog-from-1.2.0-to-1.2.1 https://github.com/idiap/bob/wiki/Changelog-from-1.2.1-to-1.2.2
About: Graphical user interface for data mining in R Changes:Fetched by r-cran-robot on 2013-04-01 00:00:07.700426
About: FABIA is a biclustering algorithm that clusters rows and columns of a matrix simultaneously. Consequently, members of a row cluster are similar to each other on a subset of columns and, analogously, members of a column cluster are similar to each other on a subset of rows. Biclusters are found by factor analysis where both the factors and the loading matrix are sparse. FABIA is a multiplicative model that extracts linear dependencies between samples and feature patterns. Applications include detection of transcriptional modules in gene expression data and identification of haplotypes/>identity by descent< consisting of rare variants obtained by next generation sequencing. Changes:CHANGES IN VERSION 2.8.0NEW FEATURES
About: A fast and scalable graph-based clustering algorithm based on the eigenvectors of the nonlinear 1-Laplacian. Changes:
About: Lua-MapReduce framework implemented in Lua using luamongo driver and MongoDB as storage. It follows Iterative MapReduce for training of Machine Learning statistical models. Changes:
About: pyGPs is a Python package for Gaussian process (GP) regression and classification for machine learning. Changes:Changelog pyGPs v1.3.2December 15th 2014
About: JProGraM (PRObabilistic GRAphical Models in Java) is a statistical machine learning library. It supports statistical modeling and data analysis along three main directions: (1) probabilistic graphical models (Bayesian networks, Markov random fields, dependency networks, hybrid random fields); (2) parametric, semiparametric, and nonparametric density estimation (Gaussian models, nonparanormal estimators, Parzen windows, Nadaraya-Watson estimator); (3) generative models for random networks (small-world, scale-free, exponential random graphs, Fiedler random graphs/fields), subgraph sampling algorithms (random walk, snowball, etc.), and spectral decomposition. Changes:JProGraM 13.2 -- CHANGE LOG Release date: February 13, 2012 New features: -- Support for Fiedler random graphs/random field models for large-scale networks (ninofreno.graph.fiedler package); -- Various bugfixes and enhancements (especially in the ninofreno.graph and ninofreno.math package).
About: FLANN is a library for performing fast approximate nearest neighbor searches in high dimensional spaces. It contains a collection of algorithms we found to work best for nearest neighbor search. Changes:See project page for changes.
About: Caffe aims to provide computer vision scientists with a clean, modifiable implementation of state-of-the-art deep learning algorithms. We believe that Caffe is the fastest available GPU CNN implementation. Caffe also provides seamless switching between CPU and GPU, which allows one to train models with fast GPUs and then deploy them on non-GPU clusters. Even in CPU mode, computing predictions on an image takes only 20 ms (in batch mode). Changes:LOTS of stuff: https://github.com/BVLC/caffe/releases/tag/v0.9999
About: Bayesian Reasoning and Machine Learning toolbox Changes:Fixed some small bugs and updated some demos.
About: "Pattern" is a web mining module for Python. It bundles tools for data retrieval, text analysis, clustering and classification, and data visualization. Changes:
About: A K-means clustering implementation for command-line, Python, Matlab and C. This algorithm yields the very same solution as standard Kmeans, even after each iteration. However it uses some triangle [...] Changes:Initial Announcement on mloss.org.
About: OpenViBE is an opensource platform that enables to design, test and use Brain-Computer Interfaces (BCI). Broadly speaking, OpenViBE can be used in many real-time Neuroscience applications [...] Changes:New release 0.8.0.
About: Bayesian Additive Regression Trees Changes:Fetched by r-cran-robot on 2018-09-01 00:00:04.269138
About: Orange is a component-based machine learning and data mining software. It includes a friendly yet powerful and flexible graphical user interface for visual programming. For more advanced use(r)s, [...] Changes:The core of the system (except the GUI) no longer includes any GPL code and can be licensed under the terms of BSD upon request. The graphical part remains under GPL. Changed the BibTeX reference to the paper recently published in JMLR MLOSS.
About: VR Changes:Fetched by r-cran-robot on 2009-10-03 07:16:05.643423
About: Message passing for topic modeling Changes:
About: Generalized linear and additive models by likelihood based boosting Changes:Fetched by r-cran-robot on 2013-04-01 00:00:04.893311
About: Generalised Stirling Numbers for Pitman-Yor Processes: this library provides ways of computing generalised 2nd-order Stirling numbers for Pitman-Yor and Dirichlet processes. Included is a tester and parameter optimiser. This accompanies Buntine and Hutter's article: http://arxiv.org/abs/1007.0296, and a series of papers by Buntine and students at NICTA and ANU. Changes:Moved repository to GitHub, and added thread support to use the main table lookups in multi-threaded code.
About: DAL is an efficient and flexibible MATLAB toolbox for sparse/low-rank learning/reconstruction based on the dual augmented Lagrangian method. Changes: