About: Pam Changes:Fetched by r-cran-robot on 2013-04-01 00:00:06.709586
About: The SSA Toolbox is an efficient, platform-independent, standalone implementation of the Stationary Subspace Analysis algorithm with a friendly graphical user interface and a bridge to Matlab. Stationary Subspace Analysis (SSA) is a general purpose algorithm for the explorative analysis of non-stationary data, i.e. data whose statistical properties change over time. SSA helps to detect, investigate and visualize temporal changes in complex high-dimensional data sets. Changes:
About: MDP is a Python library of widely used data processing algorithms that can be combined according to a pipeline analogy to build more complex data processing software. The base of available algorithms includes signal processing methods (Principal Component Analysis, Independent Component Analysis, Slow Feature Analysis), manifold learning methods ([Hessian] Locally Linear Embedding), several classifiers, probabilistic methods (Factor Analysis, RBM), data pre-processing methods, and many others. Changes:What's new in version 3.3?
About: Python module to ease pattern classification analyses of large datasets. It provides high-level abstraction of typical processing steps (e.g. data preparation, classification, feature selection, [...] Changes:
This release aggregates all the changes occurred between official
releases in 0.4 series and various snapshot releases (in 0.5 and 0.6
series). To get better overview of high level changes see
Also adapts changes from 0.4.6 and 0.4.7 (see corresponding changelogs).
This is a special release, because it has never seen the general public.
A summary of fundamental changes introduced in this development version
can be seen in the :ref: Most notably, this version was to first to come with a comprehensive two-day workshop/tutorial.
A bugfix release
A bugfix release
About: Cox models by likelihood based boosting for a single survival endpoint or competing risks Changes:Fetched by r-cran-robot on 2018-01-01 00:00:07.280476
About: xgboost: eXtreme Gradient Boosting It is an efficient and scalable implementation of gradient boosting framework. The package includes efficient linear model solver and tree learning algorithm. The package can automatically do parallel computation with OpenMP, and it can be more than 10 times faster than existing gradient boosting packages such as gbm or sklearn.GBM . It supports various objective functions, including regression, classification and ranking. The package is made to be extensible, so that user are also allowed to define there own objectives easily. The newest version of xgboost now supports distributed learning on various platforms such as hadoop, mpi and scales to even larger problems Changes:
About: Elefant is an open source software platform for the Machine Learning community licensed under the Mozilla Public License (MPL) and developed using Python, C, and C++. We aim to make it the platform [...] Changes:This release contains the Stream module as a first step in the direction of providing C++ library support. Stream aims to be a software framework for the implementation of large scale online learning algorithms. Large scale, in this context, should be understood as something that does not fit in the memory of a standard desktop computer. Added Bundle Methods for Regularized Risk Minimization (BMRM) allowing to choose from a list of loss functions and solvers (linear and quadratic). Added the following loss classes: BinaryClassificationLoss, HingeLoss, SquaredHingeLoss, ExponentialLoss, LogisticLoss, NoveltyLoss, LeastMeanSquareLoss, LeastAbsoluteDeviationLoss, QuantileRegressionLoss, EpsilonInsensitiveLoss, HuberRobustLoss, PoissonRegressionLoss, MultiClassLoss, WinnerTakesAllMultiClassLoss, ScaledSoftMarginMultiClassLoss, SoftmaxMultiClassLoss, MultivariateRegressionLoss Graphical User Interface provides now extensive documentation for each component explaining state variables and port descriptions. Changed saving and loading of experiments to XML (thereby avoiding storage of large input data structures). Unified automatic input checking via new static typing extending Python properties. Full support for recursive composition of larger components containing arbitrary statically typed state variables.
About: R version of GENetic Optimization Using Derivatives Changes:Fetched by r-cran-robot on 2013-04-01 00:00:08.101900
About: Apache Mahout is an Apache Software Foundation project with the goal of creating both a community of users and a scalable, Java-based framework consisting of many machine learning algorithm [...] Changes:Apache Mahout introduces a new math environment we call Samsara, for its theme of universal renewal. It reflects a fundamental rethinking of how scalable machine learning algorithms are built and customized. Mahout-Samsara is here to help people create their own math while providing some off-the-shelf algorithm implementations. At its core are general linear algebra and statistical operations along with the data structures to support them. You can use is as a library or customize it in Scala with Mahout-specific extensions that look something like R. Mahout-Samsara comes with an interactive shell that runs distributed operations on a Spark cluster. This make prototyping or task submission much easier and allows users to customize algorithms with a whole new degree of freedom. Mahout Algorithms include many new implementations built for speed on Mahout-Samsara. They run on Spark 1.3+ and some on H2O, which means as much as a 10x speed increase. You’ll find robust matrix decomposition algorithms as well as a Naive Bayes classifier and collaborative filtering. The new spark-itemsimilarity enables the next generation of cooccurrence recommenders that can use entire user click streams and context in making recommendations.
About: MLweb is an open source project that aims at bringing machine learning capabilities into web pages and web applications, while maintaining all computations on the client side. It includes (i) a javascript library to enable scientific computing within web pages, (ii) a javascript library implementing machine learning algorithms for classification, regression, clustering and dimensionality reduction, (iii) a web application providing a matlab-like development environment. Changes:
About: A mutual information library for C and Mex bindings for MATLAB. Aimed at feature selection, and provides simple methods to calculate mutual information, conditional mutual information, entropy, conditional entropy, Renyi entropy/mutual information, and weighted variants of Shannon entropies/mutual informations. Works with discrete distributions, and expects column vectors of features. Changes:Fixed a Windows compilation bug. MIToolbox v3 should now compile using Visual Studio.
About: The CAM R-Java software provides a noval way to solve blind source separation problem. Changes:In this version, we fix the problem of not working under newest R version R-3.0.
About: Classification and visualization Changes:Fetched by r-cran-robot on 2013-04-01 00:00:05.722314
About: Massive Online Analysis (MOA) is a real time analytic tool for data streams. It is a software environment for implementing algorithms and running experiments for online learning from evolving data streams. MOA includes a collection of offline and online methods as well as tools for evaluation. In particular, it implements boosting, bagging, and Hoeffding Trees, all with and without Naive Bayes classifiers at the leaves. MOA supports bi-directional interaction with WEKA, the Waikato Environment for Knowledge Analysis, and it is released under the GNU GPL license. Changes:New version November 2013
About: Gradient Boosting Changes:Fetched by r-cran-robot on 2018-09-01 00:00:05.199020
About: Breiman and Cutler's random forests for classification and regression Changes:Fetched by r-cran-robot on 2013-04-01 00:00:07.638240
About: The DL-Learner framework contains several algorithms for supervised concept learning in Description Logics (DLs) and OWL. Changes:See http://dl-learner.org/development/changelog/.
About: SHARK is a modular C++ library for the design and optimization of adaptive systems. It provides various machine learning and computational intelligence techniques. Changes:
About: RLLib is a lightweight C++ template library that implements incremental, standard, and gradient temporal-difference learning algorithms in Reinforcement Learning. It is an optimized library for robotic applications and embedded devices that operates under fast duty cycles (e.g., < 30 ms). RLLib has been tested and evaluated on RoboCup 3D soccer simulation agents, physical NAO V4 humanoid robots, and Tiva C series launchpad microcontrollers to predict, control, learn behaviors, and represent learnable knowledge. The implementation of the RLLib library is inspired by the RLPark API, which is a library of temporal-difference learning algorithms written in Java. Changes:Current release version is v2.0.
About: Libcmaes is a multithreaded C++11 library (with Python bindings) for high performance blackbox stochastic optimization of difficult, possibly non-linear and non-convex functions, using the CMA-ES algorithm for Covariance Matrix Adaptation Evolution Strategy. Libcmaes is useful to minimize / maximize any function, without information regarding gradient or derivability. Changes:This is a major release, with several novelties, improvements and fixes, among which: