About: Neural Networks in R using the Stuttgart Neural Network Simulator (SNNS) Changes:Fetched by r-cran-robot on 2012-02-01 00:00:11.194183
About: R/Weka interface Changes:Fetched by r-cran-robot on 2012-02-01 00:00:11.330277
About: Python module to ease pattern classification analyses of large datasets. It provides high-level abstraction of typical processing steps (e.g. data preparation, classification, feature selection, [...] Changes:
This release aggregates all the changes occurred between official
releases in 0.4 series and various snapshot releases (in 0.5 and 0.6
series). To get better overview of high level changes see
Also adapts changes from 0.4.6 and 0.4.7 (see corresponding changelogs).
This is a special release, because it has never seen the general public.
A summary of fundamental changes introduced in this development version
can be seen in the :ref: Most notably, this version was to first to come with a comprehensive two-day workshop/tutorial.
A bugfix release
A bugfix release
About: Bayesian treed Gaussian process models Changes:Fetched by r-cran-robot on 2012-02-01 00:00:11.834310
About: An annotated java framework for machine learning, aimed at making it really easy to access analytically functions. Changes:Now supports OLS and GLS regression and NaiveBayes classification
About: Boosting Methods for GAMLSS Models Changes:Fetched by r-cran-robot on 2013-04-01 00:00:04.956804
About: A python implementation of Breiman's Random Forests. Changes:Initial Announcement on mloss.org.
About: Survival forests: Random Forests variant for survival analysis. Original implementation by Leo Breiman. Changes:Initial Announcement on mloss.org.
About: Regression forests, Random Forests for regression. Original implementation by Leo Breiman. Changes:Initial Announcement on mloss.org.
About: The original Random Forests implementation by Breiman and Cutler. Changes:Initial Announcement on mloss.org.
About: A decision tree learner that is designed to be reasonably fast, but the primary goal is ease of use Changes:Initial Announcement on mloss.org.
About: Logic Forest Changes:Fetched by r-cran-robot on 2013-04-01 00:00:06.077571
About: The Maja Machine Learning Framework (MMLF) is a general framework for problems in the domain of Reinforcement Learning (RL) written in python. It provides a set of RL related algorithms and a set of benchmark domains. Furthermore it is easily extensible and allows to automate benchmarking of different agents. Changes:
About: Oblique Random Forests from Recursive Linear Model Splits Changes:Fetched by r-cran-robot on 2012-08-01 00:00:07.607823
About: Denoising images via normalized convolution Changes:Initial Announcement on mloss.org.
About: Classification and regression trees Changes:Fetched by r-cran-robot on 2012-02-01 00:00:11.999664
About: Bayesian Reasoning and Machine Learning toolbox Changes:Fixed some small bugs and updated some demos.
About: Regression Trees with Random Effects for Longitudinal (Panel) Data Changes:Fetched by r-cran-robot on 2013-04-01 00:00:08.040424
About: The K-tree is a scalable approach to clustering inspired by the B+-tree and k-means algorithms. Changes:Release of K-tree implementation in Python. This is targeted at a research and rapid prototyping audience.
About: Rule- and Instance-Based Regression Modeling Changes:Fetched by r-cran-robot on 2011-08-28 08:16:03.375532