Projects running under agnostic.
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Logo Variation Gaussian Approximate Inference for Bayesian Generalized Linear Models 1.0

by ed - April 9, 2011, 15:32:27 CET [ BibTeX BibTeX for corresponding Paper Download ] 10858 views, 3188 downloads, 0 subscriptions

About: Matlab implementation of variational gaussian approximate inference for Bayesian Generalized Linear Models.


Code restructure and bug fix.

Logo svn-r645-Mar-2011

by sonne - March 23, 2011, 11:09:18 CET [ Project Homepage BibTeX Download ] 34578 views, 5600 downloads, 0 subscriptions

About: This is the source code of the website.


Now works with newer django versions and fixes several warnings and minor bugs underneath. The only user visible change is probably that the subscription and bookmark buttons work again.

Logo reserbot alpha 1

by neuromancer - January 31, 2011, 14:27:18 CET [ Project Homepage BibTeX Download ] 16378 views, 4310 downloads, 0 subscriptions

About: A chatterbot that learns natural languages learning from imitation.


Alpha 1 - Codename: Wendell Borton ("Bllluuhhhhh...!!")

Short term memory greatly improved.

Logo NetPro 1.1.17

by lml - January 25, 2011, 19:02:53 CET [ Project Homepage BibTeX BibTeX for corresponding Paper Download ] 11672 views, 2777 downloads, 0 subscriptions

About: Tools for functional network analysis.


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Logo sccan 0.0

by stnava - January 13, 2011, 18:14:20 CET [ Project Homepage BibTeX BibTeX for corresponding Paper Download ] 11352 views, 2805 downloads, 0 subscriptions

About: A work in progress


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Logo scikits.learn 0.6

by fabianp - December 22, 2010, 11:58:30 CET [ Project Homepage BibTeX Download ] 19203 views, 3967 downloads, 0 subscriptions

Rating Whole StarWhole StarWhole StarWhole Star1/2 Star
(based on 3 votes)

About: Obsolete. Use instead.


0.6 release

Logo r-cran-varSelRF 0.7-3

by r-cran-robot - October 28, 2010, 00:00:00 CET [ Project Homepage BibTeX Download ] 21071 views, 4849 downloads, 0 subscriptions

About: Variable selection using random forests


Fetched by r-cran-robot on 2012-02-01 00:00:12.245883

Logo KeplerWeka 20101008

by fracpete - October 9, 2010, 05:27:13 CET [ Project Homepage BibTeX Download ] 24349 views, 6761 downloads, 0 subscriptions

About: KeplerWeka represents the integration of all the functionality of the WEKA Machine Learning Workbench into the open-source scientific workflow Kepler. Among them are classification, [...]

  • Now compatible with Kepler 2.0
  • New version of WEKA included (patched 3.7.2 release), WEKA's new package manager works in conjunction with Kepler
  • Renamed actor Count to ConditionalTee, introduced new Count actor
  • Removed actors OutputLogger, MultiSync, TwinSync

Logo r-cran-rpartOrdinal 2.0.3

by r-cran-robot - October 4, 2010, 00:00:00 CET [ Project Homepage BibTeX Download ] 5235 views, 1302 downloads, 0 subscriptions

About: Ordinal classification tree functions


Initial Announcement on by r-cran-robot

Logo JMLR Surrogate Modeling Toolbox 7.0.2

by dgorissen - September 4, 2010, 07:48:59 CET [ Project Homepage BibTeX BibTeX for corresponding Paper Download ] 33075 views, 8696 downloads, 0 subscriptions

About: The SUMO Toolbox is a Matlab toolbox that automatically builds accurate surrogate models (also known as metamodels or response surface models) of a given data source (e.g., simulation code, data set, script, ...) within the accuracy and time constraints set by the user. The toolbox minimizes the number of data points (which it selects automatically) since they are usually expensive.


Incremental update, fixing some cosmetic issues, coincides with JMLR publication.

Logo gmm Gaussian Mixture Modeling with Gaussian Process Latent Variable Models and 1.0

by hn - August 28, 2010, 00:29:37 CET [ BibTeX BibTeX for corresponding Paper Download ] 12870 views, 3245 downloads, 0 subscriptions

About: The gmm toolbox contains code for density estimation using mixtures of Gaussians: Starting from simple kernel density estimation with spherical and diagonal Gaussian kernels over manifold Parzen window until mixtures of penalised full Gaussians with only a few components. The toolbox covers many Gaussian mixture model parametrisations from the recent literature. Most prominently, the package contains code to use the Gaussian Process Latent Variable Model for density estimation. Most of the code is written in Matlab 7.x including some MEX files.


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Logo SMIDAS 1.1

by ambujtewari - August 15, 2010, 18:51:51 CET [ Project Homepage BibTeX BibTeX for corresponding Paper Download ] 20134 views, 3944 downloads, 0 subscriptions

About: A stochastic variant of the mirror descent algorithm employing Langford and Zhang's truncated gradient idea to minimize L1 regularized loss minimization problems for classification and regression.


Fixed major bug in implementation. The components of the iterate where the current example vector is zero were not being updated correctly. Thanks to Jonathan Chang for pointing out the error to us.

Logo r-cran-penalizedSVM 1.1

by r-cran-robot - August 2, 2010, 00:00:00 CET [ Project Homepage BibTeX Download ] 11248 views, 2398 downloads, 0 subscriptions

About: Feature Selection SVM using penalty functions


Fetched by r-cran-robot on 2013-04-01 00:00:07.509844

Logo The Infinite Hidden Markov Model 0.5

by jvangael - July 21, 2010, 23:41:24 CET [ BibTeX BibTeX for corresponding Paper Download ] 35480 views, 6286 downloads, 0 subscriptions

About: An implementation of the infinite hidden Markov model.


Since 0.4: Removed dependency from lightspeed (now using statistics toolbox). Updated to newer matlab versions.

Logo Circular Statistics Toolbox 2010c

by phb - June 9, 2010, 13:02:26 CET [ Project Homepage BibTeX BibTeX for corresponding Paper Download ] 31839 views, 4311 downloads, 0 subscriptions

About: Toolbox for circular statistics with Matlab (The Mathworks).


Some bugfixes.

Logo r-cran-randomSurvivalForest 3.6.3

by r-cran-robot - May 21, 2010, 00:00:00 CET [ Project Homepage BibTeX Download ] 12619 views, 2776 downloads, 0 subscriptions

About: Random Survival Forests


Fetched by r-cran-robot on 2013-03-01 00:00:08.083405

Logo OpenKernel library 0.1

by allauzen - April 23, 2010, 05:25:20 CET [ Project Homepage BibTeX Download ] 21821 views, 3976 downloads, 0 subscriptions

Rating Whole StarWhole Star1/2 StarEmpty StarEmpty Star
(based on 1 vote)

About: OpenKernel is a library for creating, combining, learning and using kernels for machine learning applications.


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Logo yaplf 0.7

by malchiod - April 22, 2010, 11:34:07 CET [ Project Homepage BibTeX Download ] 9996 views, 2630 downloads, 0 subscriptions

About: yaplf (Yet Another Python Learning Framework) is an extensible machine learning framework written in python


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Logo Bilingual Text Classification 0.1

by jorcisai - April 9, 2010, 15:13:08 CET [ BibTeX BibTeX for corresponding Paper Download ] 8961 views, 2724 downloads, 0 subscriptions

About: This software package implements a series of statistical mixture models for bilingual text classificacion trained by the EM algorihtm.


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Logo FWTN 1.0

by hn - March 25, 2010, 16:58:24 CET [ Project Homepage BibTeX Download ] 11615 views, 2901 downloads, 0 subscriptions

About: Orthonormal wavelet transform for D dimensional tensors in L levels. Generic quadrature mirror filters and tensor sizes. Runtime is O(n), plain C, MEX-wrapper and demo provided.


Initial Announcement on

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