- Description:
The Maja Machine Learning Framework (MMLF) is a general framework for problems in the domain of Reinforcement Learning (RL) written in python. It provides a set of RL related algorithms and a set of benchmark domains. Furthermore it is easily extensible and allows to automate benchmarking of different agents. Among the RL algorithms are TD(lambda), CMA-ES, EANT, Fitted R-Max, and Monte-Carlo learning. MMLF contains different variants of the maze-world and pole-balancing problem class as well as the mountain-car testbed.
- Changes to previous version:
- Experiments can now be invoked from the command line
- Experiments can now be "scripted"
- MMLF Experimenter contains now basic module for statistical hypothesis testing
- MMLF Explorer can now visualize the model that has been learned by an agent
- BibTeX Entry: Download
- Supported Operating Systems: Agnostic
- Data Formats: None
- Tags: Reinforcement Learning, Optimization, Evolution, Toolbox, Neuroevolution
- Archive: download here
Other available revisons
Version Changelog Date 1.0 - Experiments can now be invoked from the command line
- Experiments can now be "scripted"
- MMLF Experimenter contains now basic module for statistical hypothesis testing
- MMLF Explorer can now visualize the model that has been learned by an agent
September 13, 2011, 15:13:56 0.9.10 - Monitor can now also be configured in MMLF Explorer
- MMLF Experimenter can now also load results of a prior experiment
- MMLF Experimenter allows to specify whether world runs should be conducted sequentially or concurrently
- Added simple LinearMarkovChain environment
- Added "Writing an experiment" tutorial
- Removed EANT and CGE from MMLF
April 8, 2011, 15:19:56 0.9.9 - Configuration files for worlds (i.e. for agents and environments) are now in the yaml syntax (and no longer in xml)
- MMLF GUI can now load and store world configuration files
- Experiments in the MMLF Experimenter can now consist of arbitrary many worlds (and not just two agents in the same world)
- MMLF Experimenter supports now parallel execution of experiments (each world in a separate process). This is based on the multiprocessing framework.
- Logging to files and providing information for the GUI is now handled both using Observables. This reduces code duplication.
- Added Actor-Critic agent
- Added Pinball Maze environment
- Added Discrete BRIO Labyrinth environment
- Added model for discrete environments which stores the transition probabilities for each (state, action, successor state) in a dict entry
- Added planner interface and refactored dynamic programming, prioritized sweeping etc. such that they implement this interface
- Added several viewers (both environment-specific as well as general purpose viewers for trajectories, value functions, policies etc.)
February 21, 2011, 14:05:02 0.9.8 - Added "Experimenter" GUI to MMLF that allows to compare the performance of different agents
- Various small improvements of the GUI
- Added a simple two-player card game environment called "Seventeen and Four"
June 4, 2010, 11:39:55 0.9.7 Added model-based learning algorithms DYNA-TD and model-based direct policy search (MBDPS). Added an initial version of a graphical user interface
May 7, 2010, 21:24:11 0.9.6 Initial Announcement on mloss.org.
December 4, 2009, 08:14:56
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