Projects that are tagged with python.
Showing Items 1-20 of 21 on page 1 of 2: 1 2 Next

Logo Theano 1.0.2

by jaberg - May 23, 2018, 16:34:31 CET [ Project Homepage BibTeX BibTeX for corresponding Paper Download ] 103588 views, 19774 downloads, 0 subscriptions

About: A Python library that allows you to define, optimize, and evaluate mathematical expressions involving multi-dimensional arrays efficiently. Dynamically generates CPU and GPU modules for good performance. Deep Learning Tutorials illustrate deep learning with Theano.


Theano 1.0.2 (23rd of May, 2018)

This is a maintenance release of Theano, version 1.0.2, with no new features, but some important bug fixes.

We recommend that everybody update to this version.

Highlights (since 1.0.1):

  • Theano should work under PyPy now (this is experimental).
  • Update for cuDNN 7.1 RNN API changes.
  • Fix for a crash related to mixed dtypes with cuDNN convolutions.
  • MAGMA should work in more cases without manual config.
  • Handle reductions with non-default accumulator dtype better on the GPU.
  • Improvements to the test suite so that it fails less often due to random chance.

A total of 6 people contributed to this release since 1.0.1:

  • Frederic Bastien
  • Steven Bocco
  • Jon Haygood
  • Arnaud Bergeron
  • Jordan Melendez
  • Desiree Vogt-Lee
  • Garming Sam
  • Pascal Lamblin
  • Vincent Dumoulin
  • Glexin
  • Simon Lefrancois

Logo SMPyBandits 0.9.2

by Naereen - March 20, 2018, 20:12:13 CET [ Project Homepage BibTeX BibTeX for corresponding Paper Download ] 19054 views, 2671 downloads, 0 subscriptions

About: SMPyBandits: an Open-Source Research Framework for Single and Multi-Players Multi-Arms Bandits (MAB) Algorithms in Python


Initial Announcement on

Logo choix 0.3.1

by lum - February 12, 2018, 14:47:04 CET [ Project Homepage BibTeX Download ] 5533 views, 1618 downloads, 0 subscriptions

About: Inference algorithms for models based on Luce's choice axiom.


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Logo pymanopt 0.1

by j_towns - April 7, 2016, 14:44:27 CET [ Project Homepage BibTeX BibTeX for corresponding Paper Download ] 8515 views, 1880 downloads, 0 subscriptions

About: Python toolbox for manifold optimization with support for automatic differentiation


Initial Announcement on

Logo PyScriptClassifier 0.3.0

by cjb60 - November 25, 2015, 04:07:51 CET [ Project Homepage BibTeX BibTeX for corresponding Paper Download ] 13851 views, 3750 downloads, 0 subscriptions

About: Easily prototype WEKA classifiers and filters using Python scripts.



  • Filters have now been implemented.
  • Classifier and filter classes satisfy base unit tests.


  • Can now choose to save the script in the model using the -save flag.


  • Added Python 3 support.
  • Added uses decorator to prevent non-essential arguments from being passed.
  • Fixed nasty bug where imputation, binarisation, and standardisation would not actually be applied to test instances.
  • GUI in WEKA now displays the exception as well.
  • Fixed bug where single quotes in attribute values could mess up args creation.
  • ArffToPickle now recognises class index option and arguments.
  • Fix nasty bug where filters were not being saved and were made from scratch from test data.


  • ArffToArgs gets temporary folder in a platform-independent way, instead of assuming /tmp/.
  • Can now save args in ArffToPickle using save.


  • Initial release.

Logo Nilearn 0.1.2

by goulagman - April 29, 2015, 16:16:25 CET [ Project Homepage BibTeX BibTeX for corresponding Paper Download ] 10773 views, 2254 downloads, 0 subscriptions

About: Nilearn is a Python module for fast and easy statistical learning on NeuroImaging data. It leverages the scikit-learn Python toolbox for multivariate statistics with applications such as predictive modelling, classification, decoding, or connectivity analysis.


Initial Announcement on

Logo Machine Learning Support System MALSS 0.5.0

by canard0328 - February 20, 2015, 15:56:02 CET [ Project Homepage BibTeX Download ] 6529 views, 1853 downloads, 0 subscriptions

About: MALSS is a python module to facilitate machine learning tasks.


Initial Announcement on

Logo JMLR SHOGUN 4.0.0

by sonne - February 5, 2015, 09:09:37 CET [ Project Homepage BibTeX BibTeX for corresponding Paper Download ] 211705 views, 34026 downloads, 0 subscriptions

Rating Whole StarWhole StarWhole StarEmpty StarEmpty Star
(based on 6 votes)

About: The SHOGUN machine learning toolbox's focus is on large scale learning methods with focus on Support Vector Machines (SVM), providing interfaces to python, octave, matlab, r and the command line.


This release features the work of our 8 GSoC 2014 students [student; mentors]:

  • OpenCV Integration and Computer Vision Applications [Abhijeet Kislay; Kevin Hughes]
  • Large-Scale Multi-Label Classification [Abinash Panda; Thoralf Klein]
  • Large-scale structured prediction with approximate inference [Jiaolong Xu; Shell Hu]
  • Essential Deep Learning Modules [Khaled Nasr; Sergey Lisitsyn, Theofanis Karaletsos]
  • Fundamental Machine Learning: decision trees, kernel density estimation [Parijat Mazumdar ; Fernando Iglesias]
  • Shogun Missionary & Shogun in Education [Saurabh Mahindre; Heiko Strathmann]
  • Testing and Measuring Variable Interactions With Kernels [Soumyajit De; Dino Sejdinovic, Heiko Strathmann]
  • Variational Learning for Gaussian Processes [Wu Lin; Heiko Strathmann, Emtiyaz Khan]

It also contains several cleanups and bugfixes:


  • New Shogun project description [Heiko Strathmann]
  • ID3 algorithm for decision tree learning [Parijat Mazumdar]
  • New modes for PCA matrix factorizations: SVD & EVD, in-place or reallocating [Parijat Mazumdar]
  • Add Neural Networks with linear, logistic and softmax neurons [Khaled Nasr]
  • Add kernel multiclass strategy examples in multiclass notebook [Saurabh Mahindre]
  • Add decision trees notebook containing examples for ID3 algorithm [Parijat Mazumdar]
  • Add sudoku recognizer ipython notebook [Alejandro Hernandez]
  • Add in-place subsets on features, labels, and custom kernels [Heiko Strathmann]
  • Add Principal Component Analysis notebook [Abhijeet Kislay]
  • Add Multiple Kernel Learning notebook [Saurabh Mahindre]
  • Add Multi-Label classes to enable Multi-Label classification [Thoralf Klein]
  • Add rectified linear neurons, dropout and max-norm regularization to neural networks [Khaled Nasr]
  • Add C4.5 algorithm for multiclass classification using decision trees [Parijat Mazumdar]
  • Add support for arbitrary acyclic graph-structured neural networks [Khaled Nasr]
  • Add CART algorithm for classification and regression using decision trees [Parijat Mazumdar]
  • Add CHAID algorithm for multiclass classification and regression using decision trees [Parijat Mazumdar]
  • Add Convolutional Neural Networks [Khaled Nasr]
  • Add Random Forests algorithm for ensemble learning using CART [Parijat Mazumdar]
  • Add Restricted Botlzmann Machines [Khaled Nasr]
  • Add Stochastic Gradient Boosting algorithm for ensemble learning [Parijat Mazumdar]
  • Add Deep contractive and denoising autoencoders [Khaled Nasr]
  • Add Deep belief networks [Khaled Nasr]


  • Fix reference counting bugs in CList when reference counting is on [Heiko Strathmann, Thoralf Klein, lambday]
  • Fix memory problem in PCA::apply_to_feature_matrix [Parijat Mazumdar]
  • Fix crash in LeastAngleRegression for the case D greater than N [Parijat Mazumdar]
  • Fix memory violations in bundle method solvers [Thoralf Klein]
  • Fix fail in library_mldatahdf5.cpp example when is not working properly [Parijat Mazumdar]
  • Fix memory leaks in Vowpal Wabbit, LibSVMFile and KernelPCA [Thoralf Klein]
  • Fix memory and control flow issues discovered by Coverity [Thoralf Klein]
  • Fix R modular interface SWIG typemap (Requires SWIG >= 2.0.5) [Matt Huska]

Cleanup and API Changes

  • PCA now depends on Eigen3 instead of LAPACK [Parijat Mazumdar]
  • Removing redundant and fixing implicit imports [Thoralf Klein]
  • Hide many methods from SWIG, reducing compile memory by 500MiB [Heiko Strathmann, Fernando Iglesias, Thoralf Klein]

Logo RLPy 1.3a

by bobklein2 - August 28, 2014, 14:34:35 CET [ Project Homepage BibTeX Download ] 15386 views, 3516 downloads, 0 subscriptions

About: RLPy is a framework for performing reinforcement learning (RL) experiments in Python. RLPy provides a large library of agent and domain components, and a suite of tools to aid in experiments (parallelization, hyperparameter optimization, code profiling, and plotting).

  • Fixed bug where results using same random seed were different with visualization turned on/off
  • Created RLPy package on pypi (Available at
  • Switched from custom logger class to python default
  • Added unit tests
  • Code readability improvements (formatting, variable names/ordering)
  • Restructured TD Learning heirarchy
  • Updated tutorials

Logo OpenOpt 0.54

by Dmitrey - June 15, 2014, 14:50:37 CET [ Project Homepage BibTeX Download ] 141317 views, 31524 downloads, 0 subscriptions

Rating Whole StarWhole StarWhole StarWhole StarEmpty Star
(based on 2 votes)

About: Universal Python-written numerical optimization toolbox. Problems: NLP, LP, QP, NSP, MILP, LSP, LLSP, MMP, GLP, SLE, MOP etc; general logical constraints, categorical variables, automatic differentiation, stochastic programming, interval analysis, many other goodies


Logo Milk 0.5

by luispedro - November 7, 2012, 13:08:28 CET [ Project Homepage BibTeX Download ] 75459 views, 19935 downloads, 0 subscriptions

Rating Whole StarWhole StarWhole StarEmpty StarEmpty Star
(based on 2 votes)

About: Python Machine Learning Toolkit


Added LASSO (using coordinate descent optimization). Made SVM classification (learning and applying) much faster: 2.5x speedup on yeast UCI dataset.

Logo PyMVPA Multivariate Pattern Analysis in Python 2.0.0

by yarikoptic - December 22, 2011, 01:36:32 CET [ Project Homepage BibTeX BibTeX for corresponding Paper Download ] 65516 views, 11812 downloads, 0 subscriptions

Rating Whole StarWhole StarWhole StarWhole StarEmpty Star
(based on 2 votes)

About: Python module to ease pattern classification analyses of large datasets. It provides high-level abstraction of typical processing steps (e.g. data preparation, classification, feature selection, [...]

  • 2.0.0 (Mon, Dec 19 2011)

This release aggregates all the changes occurred between official releases in 0.4 series and various snapshot releases (in 0.5 and 0.6 series). To get better overview of high level changes see :ref:release notes for 0.5 <chap_release_notes_0.5> and :ref:0.6 <chap_release_notes_0.6> as well as summaries of release candidates below

  • Fixes (23 BF commits)

    • significance level in the right tail was fixed to include the value tested -- otherwise resulted in optimistic bias (or absurdly high significance in improbable case if all estimates having the same value)
    • compatible with the upcoming IPython 0.12 and renamed sklearn (Fixes #57)
    • do not double-train slave classifiers while assessing sensitivities (Fixes #53)
  • Enhancements (30 ENH + 3 NF commits)

    • resolving voting ties in kNN based on mean distance, and randomly in SMLR
    • :class:kNN's ca.estimates now contains dictionaries with votes for each class
    • consistent zscoring in :class:Hyperalignment
  • 2.0.0~rc5 (Wed, Oct 19 2011)

  • Major: to allow easy co-existence of stable PyMVPA 0.4.x, 0.6 development mvpa module was renamed into mod:mvpa2.

  • Fixes

    • compatible with the new Shogun 1.x series
    • compatible with the new h5py 2.x series
    • mvpa-prep-fmri -- various compatibility fixes and smoke testing
    • deepcopying :class:SummaryStatistics during add
  • Enhancements

    • tutorial uses :mod:mvpa2.tutorial_suite now
    • better suppression of R warnings when needed
    • internal attributes of many classes were exposed as properties
    • more unification of __repr__ for many classes
  • 0.6.0~rc4 (Wed, Jun 14 2011)

  • Fixes

    • Finished transition to :mod:nibabel conventions in plot_lightbox
    • Addressed :mod:matplotlib.hist API change
    • Various adjustments in the tests batteries (:mod:nibabel 1.1.0 compatibility, etc)
  • New functionality

    • Explicit new argument flatten to from_wizard -- default behavior changed if mapper was provided as well
  • Enhancements

    • Elaborated __str__ and __repr__ for some Classifiers and Measures
  • 0.6.0~rc3 (Thu, Apr 12 2011)

  • Fixes

    • Bugfixes regarding the interaction of FlattenMapper and BoxcarMapper that affected event-related analyses.
    • Splitter now handles attribute value None for splitting properly.
    • GNBSearchlight handling of
    • More robust detection of mod:scikits.learn and :mod:nipy externals.
  • New functionality

    • Added a Repeater node to yield a dataset multiple times and
      Sifter node to exclude some datasets. Consequently, the "nosplitting" mode of Splitter got removed at the same time.
    • :file:tools/niils -- little tool to list details (dimensionality, scaling, etc) of the files in nibabel-supported formats.
  • Enhancements

    • Numerous documentation fixes.
    • Various improvements and increased flexibility of null distribution estimation of Measures.
    • All attribute are now reported in sorted order when printing a dataset.
    • fmri_dataset now also stores the input image type.
    • Crossvalidation can now take a custom Splitter instance. Moreover, the default splitter of CrossValidation is more robust in terms of number and type of created splits for common usage patterns (i.e. together with partitioners).
    • CrossValidation takes any custom Node as errorfx argument.
    • ConfusionMatrix can now be used as an errorfx in Crossvalidation.
    • LOE(ACC): Linear Order Effect in ACC was added to
      ConfusionMatrix to detect trends in performances across splits.
    • A Node s postproc is now accessible as a property.
    • RepeatedMeasure has a new 'concat_as' argument that allows results to be concatenated along the feature axis. The default behavior, stacking as multiple samples, is unchanged.
    • Searchlight now has the ability to mark the center/seed of an ROI in with a feature attribute in the generated datasets.
    • debug takes args parameter for delayed string comprehensions. It should reduce run-time impact of debug() calls in regular, non -O mode of Python operation.
    • String summaries and representations (provided by __str__ and __repr__) were made more exhaustive and more coherent. Additional properties to access initial constructor arguments were added to variety of classes.
  • Internal changes

    • New debug target STDOUT to allow attaching metrics (e.g. traceback, timestamps) to regular output printed to stdout

    • New set of decorators to help with unittests

    • @nodebug to disable specific debug targets for the duration of the test.

    • @reseed_rng to guarantee consistent random data given initial seeding.

    • @with_tempfile to provide a tempfile name which would get removed upon completion (test success or failure)

    • Dropping daily testing of maint/0.5 branch -- RIP.

    • Collection s were provided with adequate (deep|)copy. And Dataset was refactored to use Collection s copy method.

    • update-* Makefile rules automatically should fast-forward corresponding website-updates branch

    • MVPA_TESTS_VERBOSITY controls also :mod:numpy warnings now.

    • Dataset.__array__ provides original array instead of copy (unless dtype is provided)

Also adapts changes from 0.4.6 and 0.4.7 (see corresponding changelogs).

  • 0.6.0~rc2 (Thu, Mar 3 2011)

  • Various fixes in the mvpa.atlas module.

  • 0.6.0~rc1 (Thu, Feb 24 2011)

  • Many, many, many

  • For an overview of the most drastic changes :ref:see constantly evolving release notes for 0.6 <chap_release_notes_0.6>

  • 0.5.0 (sometime in March 2010)

This is a special release, because it has never seen the general public. A summary of fundamental changes introduced in this development version can be seen in the :ref:release notes <chap_release_notes_0.5>.

Most notably, this version was to first to come with a comprehensive two-day workshop/tutorial.

  • 0.4.7 (Tue, Mar 07 2011) (Total: 12 commits)

A bugfix release

  • Fixed

    • Addressed the issue with input NIfTI files having scl_ fields set: it could result in incorrect analyses and map2nifti-produced NIfTI files. Now input files account for scaling/offset if scl_ fields direct to do so. Moreover upon map2nifti, those fields get reset.
    • :file:doc/examples/ - best error is the minimal one
  • Enhancements

    • :class:~mvpa.clfs.gnb.GNB can now tolerate training datasets with a single label
    • :class:~mvpa.clfs.meta.TreeClassifier can have trailing nodes with no classifier assigned
  • 0.4.6 (Tue, Feb 01 2011) (Total: 20 commits)

A bugfix release

  • Fixed (few BF commits):

    • Compatibility with numpy 1.5.1 (histogram) and scipy 0.8.0 (workaround for a regression in legendre)
    • Compatibility with libsvm 3.0
    • :class:~mvpa.clfs.plr.PLR robustification
  • Enhancements

    • Enforce suppression of numpy warnings while running unittests. Also setting verbosity >= 3 enables all warnings (Python, NumPy, and PyMVPA)
    • :file:doc/examples/ example (adopted from 0.5)
    • Introduced base class :class:~mvpa.clfs.base.LearnerError for classifiers' exceptions (adopted from 0.5)
    • Adjusted example data to live upto nibabel's warranty of NIfTI standard-compliance
    • More robust operation of MC iterations -- skip iterations where classifier experienced difficulties and raise an exception (e.g. due to degenerate data)

Logo mldata-utils 0.5.0

by sonne - April 8, 2011, 10:02:44 CET [ Project Homepage BibTeX Download ] 75183 views, 16279 downloads, 0 subscriptions

About: Tools to convert datasets from various formats to various formats, performance measures and API functions to communicate with

  • Change task file format, such that data splits can have a variable number items and put into up to 256 categories of training/validation/test/not used/...
  • Various bugfixes.

Logo scikits.learn 0.6

by fabianp - December 22, 2010, 11:58:30 CET [ Project Homepage BibTeX Download ] 18620 views, 3821 downloads, 0 subscriptions

Rating Whole StarWhole StarWhole StarWhole Star1/2 Star
(based on 3 votes)

About: Obsolete. Use instead.


0.6 release

Logo BCPy2000 17374

by jez - July 8, 2010, 22:11:24 CET [ Project Homepage BibTeX Download ] 37979 views, 8258 downloads, 0 subscriptions

About: BCPy2000 provides a platform for rapid, flexible development of experimental Brain-Computer Interface systems based on the project. From the developer's point of view, the implementation [...]


Bugfixes and tuneups, and an expanded set of (some more-, some less-documented, optional tools)

Logo yaplf 0.7

by malchiod - April 22, 2010, 11:34:07 CET [ Project Homepage BibTeX Download ] 9650 views, 2512 downloads, 0 subscriptions

About: yaplf (Yet Another Python Learning Framework) is an extensible machine learning framework written in python


Initial Announcement on

Logo Elefant 0.4

by kishorg - October 17, 2009, 08:48:19 CET [ Project Homepage BibTeX Download ] 34254 views, 11246 downloads, 0 subscriptions

Rating Whole StarWhole Star1/2 StarEmpty StarEmpty Star
(based on 2 votes)

About: Elefant is an open source software platform for the Machine Learning community licensed under the Mozilla Public License (MPL) and developed using Python, C, and C++. We aim to make it the platform [...]


This release contains the Stream module as a first step in the direction of providing C++ library support. Stream aims to be a software framework for the implementation of large scale online learning algorithms. Large scale, in this context, should be understood as something that does not fit in the memory of a standard desktop computer.

Added Bundle Methods for Regularized Risk Minimization (BMRM) allowing to choose from a list of loss functions and solvers (linear and quadratic).

Added the following loss classes: BinaryClassificationLoss, HingeLoss, SquaredHingeLoss, ExponentialLoss, LogisticLoss, NoveltyLoss, LeastMeanSquareLoss, LeastAbsoluteDeviationLoss, QuantileRegressionLoss, EpsilonInsensitiveLoss, HuberRobustLoss, PoissonRegressionLoss, MultiClassLoss, WinnerTakesAllMultiClassLoss, ScaledSoftMarginMultiClassLoss, SoftmaxMultiClassLoss, MultivariateRegressionLoss

Graphical User Interface provides now extensive documentation for each component explaining state variables and port descriptions.

Changed saving and loading of experiments to XML (thereby avoiding storage of large input data structures).

Unified automatic input checking via new static typing extending Python properties.

Full support for recursive composition of larger components containing arbitrary statically typed state variables.

Logo Dirichlet Forest LDA 0.1.1

by davidandrzej - July 16, 2009, 21:59:53 CET [ Project Homepage BibTeX BibTeX for corresponding Paper Download ] 12300 views, 2556 downloads, 0 subscriptions

About: This software implements the Dirichlet Forest (DF) Prior within the Latent Dirichlet Allocation (LDA) model. When combined with LDA, the Dirichlet Forest Prior allows the user to encode domain knowledge (must-links and cannot-links between words) into the prior on topic-word multinomials.


Initial Announcement on

Logo DeltaLDA 0.1.1

by davidandrzej - July 16, 2009, 21:52:18 CET [ Project Homepage BibTeX BibTeX for corresponding Paper Download ] 19641 views, 3450 downloads, 0 subscriptions

About: This software implements the DeltaLDA model, which is a modification of the Latent Dirichlet Allocation (LDA) model. DeltaLDA can use multiple topic mixing weight priors to jointly model multiple [...]


-fixed some npy_intp[] memory leaks -fixed phi normalization bug

Logo JMLR pebl Python Environment for Bayesian Learning 1.0.1

by abhik - March 5, 2009, 00:05:28 CET [ Project Homepage BibTeX BibTeX for corresponding Paper Download ] 41687 views, 5038 downloads, 0 subscriptions

About: Pebl is a python library and command line application for learning the structure of a Bayesian network given prior knowledge and observations.


Updated version to 1.0.1

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