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About: Alchemy is a software package providing a series of algorithms for statistical relational learning and probabilistic logic inference, based on the Markov logic representation. Alchemy allows you to [...] Changes:Initial Announcement on
About: Moses is a statistical machine translation system that allows you to automatically train translation models for any language pair. All you need is a collection of translated texts (parallel corpus). An efficient search algorithm finds quickly the highest probability translation among the exponential number of choices. Changes:Initial Announcement on
About: CVXOPT is a free software package for convex optimization based on the Python programming language. It can be used with the interactive Python interpreter, on the command line by executing Python [...] Changes:Initial Announcement on
About: A library for artificial neural networks. Changes:Added algorithms:
About: Likelihood-based Boosting for Generalized mixed models Changes:Fetched by r-cran-robot on 2013-04-01 00:00:05.366545
About: Torch5 provides a matlab-like environment for state-of-the-art machine learning algorithms. It is easy to use and provides a very efficient implementation, thanks to a easy and fast scripting [...] Changes:Initial Announcement on
About: A Graphical Tool for Designing and Training Deep Neural Networks Changes:
About: Python module for machine learning multivariate time series Changes:Initial Announcement on
About: AISAIC software for analyzing human DNA copy numbers and detecting significant copy number alterations Changes:Initial Announcement on
About: Correlative Matrix Mapping (CMM) provides a supervised linear data mapping into a Euclidean subspace of given dimension. Applications include denoising, visualization, label-specific data preprocessing, and assessment of data attribute pairs relevant for the supervised mapping. Solving auto-association problems yields linear multidimensional scaling, similar to PCA, but usually with more faithful low-dimensional mappings. Changes:Tue Jul 5 14:40:03 CEST 2011 - Bugfixes and cleanups
About: MLwizard recommends and optimizes classification algorithms based on meta-learning and is a software wizard fully integrated into RapidMiner but can be used as library as well. Changes:Faster parameter optimization using genetic algorithm with predefined start population.
About: Analytic engine for real-time large-scale streams containing structured and unstructured data. Changes:Initial Announcement on
About: Data-efficient policy search framework using probabilistic Gaussian process models Changes:Initial Announcement on
About: A Matlab script for learning vector-valued functions and kernels on the output space. Changes:Added code for learning low-rank output kernels.
About: Local alignment kernels measure the similarity between two sequences by summing up scores obtained from local alignments with gaps of the sequences. Changes:Initial Announcement on
About: The mission of this project is to build and support a community interested in machine learning and machine intelligence based on modeling the neocortex and the principles upon which it works. Changes:Initial Announcement on
About: The JINSECT toolkit is a Java-based toolkit and library that supports and demonstrates the use of n-gram graphs within Natural Language Processing applications, ranging from summarization and summary evaluation to text classi?cation and indexing. Changes:
About: A Spark package implementing algorithms for learning from crowdsourced big data. Changes:Changes: - Minor improvements in code and documentation
About: We provide some preliminary code for multiclass multiple kernel learning in Matlab using CPLEX as a base solver. Changes:Initial Announcement on
About: CRFSuite is a speed-oriented implementation of Conditional Random Fields (CRFs). This software features: parameter estimation using SGD and L-BFGS, l1/l2 regularization, simple data I/O format, etc. Changes:Initial Announcement on