Projects supporting the none data format.
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Logo Action Recognition by Dense Trajectories 1.0

by openpr_nlpr - June 6, 2012, 11:38:07 CET [ Project Homepage BibTeX BibTeX for corresponding Paper Download ] 11971 views, 2325 downloads, 0 subscriptions

About: The code is for computing state-of-the-art video descriptors for action recognition. The most up-to-date information can be found at:


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Logo Sparse representation L1 minimization via half quadratic minimization 1.0

by openpr_nlpr - June 5, 2012, 11:33:58 CET [ Project Homepage BibTeX Download ] 7432 views, 1855 downloads, 0 subscriptions

About: Ran He, Wei-Shi Zheng,Tieniu Tan, and Zhenan Sun. Half-quadratic based Iterative Minimization for Robust Sparse Representation. Submitted to IEEE Trans. on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence.


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Logo Genealized Constraints Neural Network Regression Model Subject to Linear Priors 1.0

by openpr_nlpr - May 22, 2012, 06:30:29 CET [ Project Homepage BibTeX BibTeX for corresponding Paper Download ] 8663 views, 1730 downloads, 0 subscriptions

About: This code is developed for incorporating a class of linear priors into the regression model.


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Logo Multilinear Principal Component Analysis 1.2 1.2

by openpr_nlpr - April 16, 2012, 09:04:08 CET [ Project Homepage BibTeX Download ] 7922 views, 2240 downloads, 0 subscriptions

About: This archive contains a Matlab implementation of the Multilinear Principal Component Analysis (MPCA) algorithm and MPCA+LDA, as described in the paper Haiping Lu, K.N. Plataniotis, and A.N. Venetsanopoulos, "MPCA: Multilinear Principal Component Analysis of Tensor Objects", IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks, Vol. 19, No. 1, Page: 18-39, January 2008.


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Logo Oboe A Chinese Syntactic Parser 1.0

by openpr_nlpr - April 9, 2012, 09:08:35 CET [ Project Homepage BibTeX Download ] 7743 views, 1849 downloads, 0 subscriptions

About: Oboe is a software for Chinese syntactic parsing, and it can display syntactic trees in a graphical view with two kinds of representation: phrase tree and dependency tree. So it is very helpful for NLP researchers, especially for researchers focusing on syntax-based methods.


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Logo MLPY Machine Learning Py 3.5.0

by albanese - March 15, 2012, 09:52:41 CET [ Project Homepage BibTeX Download ] 143165 views, 30480 downloads, 0 subscriptions

Rating Whole StarWhole StarWhole Star1/2 StarEmpty Star
(based on 3 votes)

About: mlpy is a Python module for Machine Learning built on top of NumPy/SciPy and of GSL.


New features:

  • LibSvm(): pred_probability() now returns probability estimates; pred_values() added
  • LibLinear(): pred_values() and pred_probability() added
  • dtw_std: squared Euclidean option added
  • LCS for series composed by real values (lcs_real()) added
  • Documentation


  • wavelet submodule: cwt(): it returned only real values in morlet and poul
  • IRelief(): remove np. in learn()
  • fix rfe_kfda and rfe_w2 when p=1

Logo Thresholding program 1.0

by openpr_nlpr - March 1, 2012, 03:18:52 CET [ Project Homepage BibTeX Download ] 8526 views, 1656 downloads, 0 subscriptions

About: This is demo program on global thresholding for image of bright small objects, such as aircrafts in airports. the program include four method, otsu,2D-Tsallis,PSSIM, Smoothnees Method.


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Logo JMLR LWPR 1.2.4

by sklanke - February 6, 2012, 19:55:41 CET [ Project Homepage BibTeX BibTeX for corresponding Paper Download ] 61735 views, 8141 downloads, 0 subscriptions

About: Locally Weighted Projection Regression (LWPR) is a recent algorithm that achieves nonlinear function approximation in high dimensional spaces with redundant and irrelevant input dimensions. At its [...]


Version 1.2.4

  • Corrected typo in lwpr.c (wrong function name for multi-threaded helper function on Unix systems) Thanks to Jose Luis Rivero

Logo Efficient Nonnegative Sparse Coding Algorithm 1.0

by openpr_nlpr - January 4, 2012, 09:44:18 CET [ Project Homepage BibTeX BibTeX for corresponding Paper Download ] 8523 views, 1856 downloads, 0 subscriptions

About: Nonnegative Sparse Coding, Discriminative Semi-supervised Learning, sparse probability graph


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Logo PyMVPA Multivariate Pattern Analysis in Python 2.0.0

by yarikoptic - December 22, 2011, 01:36:32 CET [ Project Homepage BibTeX BibTeX for corresponding Paper Download ] 66988 views, 12148 downloads, 0 subscriptions

Rating Whole StarWhole StarWhole StarWhole StarEmpty Star
(based on 2 votes)

About: Python module to ease pattern classification analyses of large datasets. It provides high-level abstraction of typical processing steps (e.g. data preparation, classification, feature selection, [...]

  • 2.0.0 (Mon, Dec 19 2011)

This release aggregates all the changes occurred between official releases in 0.4 series and various snapshot releases (in 0.5 and 0.6 series). To get better overview of high level changes see :ref:release notes for 0.5 <chap_release_notes_0.5> and :ref:0.6 <chap_release_notes_0.6> as well as summaries of release candidates below

  • Fixes (23 BF commits)

    • significance level in the right tail was fixed to include the value tested -- otherwise resulted in optimistic bias (or absurdly high significance in improbable case if all estimates having the same value)
    • compatible with the upcoming IPython 0.12 and renamed sklearn (Fixes #57)
    • do not double-train slave classifiers while assessing sensitivities (Fixes #53)
  • Enhancements (30 ENH + 3 NF commits)

    • resolving voting ties in kNN based on mean distance, and randomly in SMLR
    • :class:kNN's ca.estimates now contains dictionaries with votes for each class
    • consistent zscoring in :class:Hyperalignment
  • 2.0.0~rc5 (Wed, Oct 19 2011)

  • Major: to allow easy co-existence of stable PyMVPA 0.4.x, 0.6 development mvpa module was renamed into mod:mvpa2.

  • Fixes

    • compatible with the new Shogun 1.x series
    • compatible with the new h5py 2.x series
    • mvpa-prep-fmri -- various compatibility fixes and smoke testing
    • deepcopying :class:SummaryStatistics during add
  • Enhancements

    • tutorial uses :mod:mvpa2.tutorial_suite now
    • better suppression of R warnings when needed
    • internal attributes of many classes were exposed as properties
    • more unification of __repr__ for many classes
  • 0.6.0~rc4 (Wed, Jun 14 2011)

  • Fixes

    • Finished transition to :mod:nibabel conventions in plot_lightbox
    • Addressed :mod:matplotlib.hist API change
    • Various adjustments in the tests batteries (:mod:nibabel 1.1.0 compatibility, etc)
  • New functionality

    • Explicit new argument flatten to from_wizard -- default behavior changed if mapper was provided as well
  • Enhancements

    • Elaborated __str__ and __repr__ for some Classifiers and Measures
  • 0.6.0~rc3 (Thu, Apr 12 2011)

  • Fixes

    • Bugfixes regarding the interaction of FlattenMapper and BoxcarMapper that affected event-related analyses.
    • Splitter now handles attribute value None for splitting properly.
    • GNBSearchlight handling of
    • More robust detection of mod:scikits.learn and :mod:nipy externals.
  • New functionality

    • Added a Repeater node to yield a dataset multiple times and
      Sifter node to exclude some datasets. Consequently, the "nosplitting" mode of Splitter got removed at the same time.
    • :file:tools/niils -- little tool to list details (dimensionality, scaling, etc) of the files in nibabel-supported formats.
  • Enhancements

    • Numerous documentation fixes.
    • Various improvements and increased flexibility of null distribution estimation of Measures.
    • All attribute are now reported in sorted order when printing a dataset.
    • fmri_dataset now also stores the input image type.
    • Crossvalidation can now take a custom Splitter instance. Moreover, the default splitter of CrossValidation is more robust in terms of number and type of created splits for common usage patterns (i.e. together with partitioners).
    • CrossValidation takes any custom Node as errorfx argument.
    • ConfusionMatrix can now be used as an errorfx in Crossvalidation.
    • LOE(ACC): Linear Order Effect in ACC was added to
      ConfusionMatrix to detect trends in performances across splits.
    • A Node s postproc is now accessible as a property.
    • RepeatedMeasure has a new 'concat_as' argument that allows results to be concatenated along the feature axis. The default behavior, stacking as multiple samples, is unchanged.
    • Searchlight now has the ability to mark the center/seed of an ROI in with a feature attribute in the generated datasets.
    • debug takes args parameter for delayed string comprehensions. It should reduce run-time impact of debug() calls in regular, non -O mode of Python operation.
    • String summaries and representations (provided by __str__ and __repr__) were made more exhaustive and more coherent. Additional properties to access initial constructor arguments were added to variety of classes.
  • Internal changes

    • New debug target STDOUT to allow attaching metrics (e.g. traceback, timestamps) to regular output printed to stdout

    • New set of decorators to help with unittests

    • @nodebug to disable specific debug targets for the duration of the test.

    • @reseed_rng to guarantee consistent random data given initial seeding.

    • @with_tempfile to provide a tempfile name which would get removed upon completion (test success or failure)

    • Dropping daily testing of maint/0.5 branch -- RIP.

    • Collection s were provided with adequate (deep|)copy. And Dataset was refactored to use Collection s copy method.

    • update-* Makefile rules automatically should fast-forward corresponding website-updates branch

    • MVPA_TESTS_VERBOSITY controls also :mod:numpy warnings now.

    • Dataset.__array__ provides original array instead of copy (unless dtype is provided)

Also adapts changes from 0.4.6 and 0.4.7 (see corresponding changelogs).

  • 0.6.0~rc2 (Thu, Mar 3 2011)

  • Various fixes in the mvpa.atlas module.

  • 0.6.0~rc1 (Thu, Feb 24 2011)

  • Many, many, many

  • For an overview of the most drastic changes :ref:see constantly evolving release notes for 0.6 <chap_release_notes_0.6>

  • 0.5.0 (sometime in March 2010)

This is a special release, because it has never seen the general public. A summary of fundamental changes introduced in this development version can be seen in the :ref:release notes <chap_release_notes_0.5>.

Most notably, this version was to first to come with a comprehensive two-day workshop/tutorial.

  • 0.4.7 (Tue, Mar 07 2011) (Total: 12 commits)

A bugfix release

  • Fixed

    • Addressed the issue with input NIfTI files having scl_ fields set: it could result in incorrect analyses and map2nifti-produced NIfTI files. Now input files account for scaling/offset if scl_ fields direct to do so. Moreover upon map2nifti, those fields get reset.
    • :file:doc/examples/ - best error is the minimal one
  • Enhancements

    • :class:~mvpa.clfs.gnb.GNB can now tolerate training datasets with a single label
    • :class:~mvpa.clfs.meta.TreeClassifier can have trailing nodes with no classifier assigned
  • 0.4.6 (Tue, Feb 01 2011) (Total: 20 commits)

A bugfix release

  • Fixed (few BF commits):

    • Compatibility with numpy 1.5.1 (histogram) and scipy 0.8.0 (workaround for a regression in legendre)
    • Compatibility with libsvm 3.0
    • :class:~mvpa.clfs.plr.PLR robustification
  • Enhancements

    • Enforce suppression of numpy warnings while running unittests. Also setting verbosity >= 3 enables all warnings (Python, NumPy, and PyMVPA)
    • :file:doc/examples/ example (adopted from 0.5)
    • Introduced base class :class:~mvpa.clfs.base.LearnerError for classifiers' exceptions (adopted from 0.5)
    • Adjusted example data to live upto nibabel's warranty of NIfTI standard-compliance
    • More robust operation of MC iterations -- skip iterations where classifier experienced difficulties and raise an exception (e.g. due to degenerate data)

Logo Principal Component Analysis Based on Nonparametric Maximum Entropy 1.0.0

by openpr_nlpr - December 2, 2011, 05:45:02 CET [ Project Homepage BibTeX Download ] 7485 views, 1987 downloads, 0 subscriptions

About: In this paper, we propose an improved principal component analysis based on maximum entropy (MaxEnt) preservation, called MaxEnt-PCA, which is derived from a Parzen window estimation of Renyi’s quadratic entropy. Instead of minimizing the reconstruction error either based on L2-norm or L1-norm, the MaxEnt-PCA attempts to preserve as much as possible the uncertainty information of the data measured by entropy. The optimal solution of MaxEnt-PCA consists of the eigenvectors of a Laplacian probability matrix corresponding to the MaxEnt distribution. MaxEnt-PCA (1) is rotation invariant, (2) is free from any distribution assumption, and (3) is robust to outliers. Extensive experiments on real-world datasets demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed linear method as compared to other related robust PCA methods.


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Logo Metropolis Hastings algorithm 1.0.0

by openpr_nlpr - December 2, 2011, 05:43:20 CET [ Project Homepage BibTeX Download ] 6430 views, 1744 downloads, 0 subscriptions

About: Metropolis-Hastings alogrithm is a Markov chain Monte Carlo method for obtaining a sequence of random samples from a probability distribution for which direct sampling is difficult. Thi sequence can be used to approximate the distribution.


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Logo Maximum Correntropy Criterion for Robust Face Recognition 1.0.0

by openpr_nlpr - December 2, 2011, 05:41:58 CET [ Project Homepage BibTeX Download ] 6582 views, 1806 downloads, 0 subscriptions

About: This code is developed based on Uriel Roque's active set algorithm for the linear least squares problem with nonnegative variables in: Portugal, L.; Judice, J.; and Vicente, L. 1994. A comparison of block pivoting and interior-point algorithms for linear least squares problems with nonnegative variables. Mathematics of Computation 63(208):625-643.Ran He, Wei-Shi Zheng and Baogang Hu, "Maximum Correntropy Criterion for Robust Face Recognition," IEEE TPAMI, in press, 2011.


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Logo Urheen 1.0.0

by openpr_nlpr - December 2, 2011, 05:40:08 CET [ Project Homepage BibTeX Download ] 6564 views, 1743 downloads, 0 subscriptions

About: Urheen is a toolkit for Chinese word segmentation, Chinese pos tagging, English tokenize, and English pos tagging. The Chinese word segmentation and pos tagging modules are trained with the Chinese Tree Bank 7.0. The English pos tagging module is trained with the WSJ English treebank(02-23).


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Logo Naive Bayes EM Algorithm 1.0.0

by openpr_nlpr - December 2, 2011, 05:35:09 CET [ Project Homepage BibTeX Download ] 8966 views, 2142 downloads, 0 subscriptions

About: OpenPR-NBEM is an C++ implementation of Naive Bayes Classifier, which is a well-known generative classification algorithm for the application such as text classification. The Naive Bayes algorithm requires the probabilistic distribution to be discrete. OpenPR-NBEM uses the multinomial event model for representation. The maximum likelihood estimate is used for supervised learning, and the expectation-maximization estimate is used for semi-supervised and un-supervised learning.


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Logo Local Binary Pattern 1.0.0

by openpr_nlpr - December 2, 2011, 05:33:44 CET [ Project Homepage BibTeX Download ] 7412 views, 2064 downloads, 0 subscriptions

About: This is a class to calculate histogram of LBP (local binary patterns) from an input image, histograms of LBP-TOP (local binary patterns on three orthogonal planes) from an image sequence, histogram of the rotation invariant VLBP (volume local binary patterns) or uniform rotation invariant VLBP from an image sequence.


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Logo Two stage Sparse Representation 1.0.0

by openpr_nlpr - December 2, 2011, 05:32:31 CET [ Project Homepage BibTeX Download ] 6292 views, 1861 downloads, 0 subscriptions

About: This program implements a novel robust sparse representation method, called the two-stage sparse representation (TSR), for robust recognition on a large-scale database. Based on the divide and conquer strategy, TSR divides the procedure of robust recognition into outlier detection stage and recognition stage. The extensive numerical experiments on several public databases demonstrate that the proposed TSR approach generally obtains better classification accuracy than the state-of-the-art Sparse Representation Classification (SRC). At the same time, by using the TSR, a significant reduction of computational cost is reached by over fifty times in comparison with the SRC, which enables the TSR to be deployed more suitably for large-scale dataset.


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Logo Perspective 3 Points Solver 1.0.0

by openpr_nlpr - December 2, 2011, 05:31:04 CET [ Project Homepage BibTeX Download ] 6089 views, 1752 downloads, 0 subscriptions

About: This is a implementation of the classic P3P(Perspective 3-Points) algorithm problem solution in the Ransac paper "M. A. Fischler, R. C. Bolles. Random Sample Consensus: A Paradigm for Model Fitting with Applications to Image Analysis and Automated Cartography. Comm. of the ACM, Vol 24, pp 381-395, 1981.". The algorithm gives the four probable solutions of the P3P problem in about 0.1ms, and can be used as input of the consequent RANSAC step. The codes needs the numerics library VNL which is a part of the widely used computer vision library VXL. One can download & install it from


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Logo CMatrix Class 1.0.0

by openpr_nlpr - December 2, 2011, 05:28:41 CET [ Project Homepage BibTeX Download ] 6313 views, 1726 downloads, 0 subscriptions

About: It's a C++ program for symmetric matrix diagonalization, inversion and principal component anlaysis(PCA). The matrix diagonalization function can also be applied to the computation of singular value decomposition (SVD), Fisher linear discriminant analysis (FLDA) and kernel PCA (KPCA) if forming the symmetric matrix appropriately.


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Logo Linear Discriminant Function Classifier 1.0.0

by openpr_nlpr - December 2, 2011, 05:27:27 CET [ Project Homepage BibTeX Download ] 6110 views, 1667 downloads, 0 subscriptions

About: This program is a C++ implementation of Linear Discriminant Function Classifier. Discriminant functions such as perceptron criterion, cross entropy (CE) criterion, and least mean square (LMS) criterion (all for multi-class classification problems) are supported in it. The program uses a sparse-data structure to represent the feature vector to seek higher computational speed. Some other techniques such as online updating, weights averaging, gaussian prior regularization are also supported.


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