About: A fast, flexible C++ machine learning library, with bindings to other languages. Changes:Released June 8th, 2018.
About: This is an online hashing algorithm which can handle the stream data with low computational cost. Changes:Initial Announcement on mloss.org.
About: Jmlp is a java platform for both of the machine learning experiments and application. I have tested it on the window platform. But it should be applicable in the linux platform due to the cross-platform of Java language. It contains the classical classification algorithm (Discrete AdaBoost.MH, Real AdaBoost.MH, SVM, KNN, MCE,MLP,NB) and feature reduction(KPCA,PCA,Whiten) etc. Changes:Initial Announcement on mloss.org.
About: This provide a semi-supervised learning method based co-training for RGB-D object recognition. Besides, we evaluate four state-of-the-art feature learing method under the semi-supervised learning framework. Changes:Initial Announcement on mloss.org.
About: RLLib is a lightweight C++ template library that implements incremental, standard, and gradient temporal-difference learning algorithms in Reinforcement Learning. It is an optimized library for robotic applications and embedded devices that operates under fast duty cycles (e.g., < 30 ms). RLLib has been tested and evaluated on RoboCup 3D soccer simulation agents, physical NAO V4 humanoid robots, and Tiva C series launchpad microcontrollers to predict, control, learn behaviors, and represent learnable knowledge. The implementation of the RLLib library is inspired by the RLPark API, which is a library of temporal-difference learning algorithms written in Java. Changes:Current release version is v2.0.
About: Divvy is a Mac OS X application for performing dimensionality reduction, clustering, and visualization. Changes:Initial Announcement on mloss.org.
About: A work in progress Changes:Initial Announcement on mloss.org.
About: ELF provides many well implemented supervised learners for classification and regression tasks with an opportunity of ensemble learning. Changes:Initial Announcement on mloss.org.