About: peewit provides services for programming, running and result examination of machine learning experiments. It does not include any ML algorithms, has no GUI, and presumes certain uniformity of the experimental layout. But it does not make assumptions on the type of task under study. The current version-number is 0.10. Changes:v-cube with side-cubes
About: Generalised Stirling Numbers for Pitman-Yor Processes: this library provides ways of computing generalised 2nd-order Stirling numbers for Pitman-Yor and Dirichlet processes. Included is a tester and parameter optimiser. This accompanies Buntine and Hutter's article: http://arxiv.org/abs/1007.0296, and a series of papers by Buntine and students at NICTA and ANU. Changes:Moved repository to GitHub, and added thread support to use the main table lookups in multi-threaded code.
About: DAL is an efficient and flexibible MATLAB toolbox for sparse/low-rank learning/reconstruction based on the dual augmented Lagrangian method. Changes:
About: Estimates statistical significance of association between variables and their principal components (PCs). Changes:Initial Announcement on mloss.org.
About: hapFabia is an R package for identification of very short segments of identity by descent (IBD) characterized by rare variants in large sequencing data. It detects 100 times smaller segments than previous methods. Changes:o citation update o plot function improved
About: hapFabia is an R package for identification of very short segments of identity by descent (IBD) characterized by rare variants in large sequencing data. Changes:o citation update o plot function improved
About: A library for calculating and accessing generalized Stirling numbers of the second kind, which are used for inference in Poisson-Dirichlet processes. Changes:Initial Announcement on mloss.org.
About: ALgebraic COmbinatorial COmpletion of MAtrices. A collection of algorithms to impute or denoise single entries in an incomplete rank one matrix, to determine for which entries this is possible with any algorithm, and to provide algorithm-independent error estimates. Includes demo scripts. Changes:Initial Announcement on mloss.org.
About: Bob is a free signal-processing and machine learning toolbox originally developed by the Biometrics group at Idiap Research Institute, in Switzerland. Changes:Bob 1.2.0 comes about 1 year after we released Bob 1.0.0. This new release comes with a big set of new features and lots of changes under the hood to make your experiments run even smoother. Some statistics: Diff URL: https://github.com/idiap/bob/compare/v1.1.4...HEAD Commits: 629 Files changed: 954 Contributors: 7 Here is a quick list of things you should pay attention for while integrating your satellite packages against Bob 1.2.x:
For a detailed list of changes and additions, please look at our Changelog page for this release and minor updates: https://github.com/idiap/bob/wiki/Changelog-from-1.1.4-to-1.2 https://github.com/idiap/bob/wiki/Changelog-from-1.2.0-to-1.2.1 https://github.com/idiap/bob/wiki/Changelog-from-1.2.1-to-1.2.2
About: ClowdFlows is a web based platform for service oriented data mining publicly available at http://clowdflows.org . A web based interface allows users to construct data mining workflows that are hosted on the web and can be (if allowed by the author) accessed by anyone by following a URL of the workflow. Changes:Initial Announcement on mloss.org.
About: Data-efficient policy search framework using probabilistic Gaussian process models Changes:Initial Announcement on mloss.org.
About: Approximate Rank One FACtorization of tensors. An algorithm for factorization of three-way-tensors and determination of their rank, includes example applications. Changes:Initial Announcement on mloss.org.
About: This is the core MCMC sampler for the nonparametric sparse factor analysis model presented in David A. Knowles and Zoubin Ghahramani (2011). Nonparametric Bayesian Sparse Factor Models with application to Gene Expression modelling. Annals of Applied Statistics Changes:Initial Announcement on mloss.org.
About: Block-Coordinate Frank-Wolfe Optimization for Structural SVMs Changes:Initial Announcement on mloss.org.
About: Python Framework for Vector Space Modelling that can handle unlimited datasets (streamed input, online algorithms work incrementally in constant memory). Changes:
About: Python Machine Learning Toolkit Changes:Added LASSO (using coordinate descent optimization). Made SVM classification (learning and applying) much faster: 2.5x speedup on yeast UCI dataset.
About: THIS VERSION DISCONTINUED, see "http://mloss.org/software/view/424/". This library provides ways of computing generalised 2nd-order Stirling numbers for Pitman-Yor and Dirichlet processes. Included is a tester and parameter optimiser. This accompanies Buntine and Hutter's article: http://arxiv.org/abs/1007.0296 Changes:See the alternative MLOSS entry "libstb". Updated to 1.4!
About: A general purpose library to process and predict sequences of elements using echo state networks. Changes:Initial Announcement on mloss.org.
About: The OrGanic Environment for Reservoir computing (Oger) toolbox is a Python toolbox for rapidly building, training and evaluating modular learning architectures on large datasets. Changes:Initial Announcement on mloss.org.
About: Fast C++ implementation of the variation of information (Meila 2003) and Rand index (Rand 1971) with MATLAB mex files Changes:Initial Announcement on mloss.org.