Projects authored by slobodan vucetic.

Logo JMLR BudgetedSVM v1.1

by nemanja - February 12, 2014, 20:53:45 CET [ Project Homepage BibTeX BibTeX for corresponding Paper Download ] 11861 views, 2177 downloads, 0 subscriptions

About: BudgetedSVM is an open-source C++ toolbox for scalable non-linear classification. The toolbox can be seen as a missing link between LibLinear and LibSVM, combining the efficiency of linear with the accuracy of kernel SVM. We provide an Application Programming Interface for efficient training and testing of non-linear classifiers, supported by data structures designed for handling data which cannot fit in memory. We also provide command-line and Matlab interfaces, providing users with an efficient, easy-to-use tool for large-scale non-linear classification.


Changed license from LGPL v3 to Modified BSD.