Project details for Piqle

Screenshot Piqle 2.0

by fdecomite - June 19, 2009, 10:16:53 CET [ Project Homepage BibTeX Download ]

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PIQLE was primarily designed for implementing and testing the algorithms and problems described in Sutton's and Barto's Reinforcement Learning, An Introduction

Reinforcement learning algorithms are relatively generic, as based on a quite abstract notions of state, action,reward.

We tried to respect the genericity and transcript it in Java, a language very well suited for this.

Defining and designing separately the notions of agent, algorithms, environment, and how those objects communicate with each other made it possible to obtain a very general platform for reinforcement learning experiments , easy to understand, easy to use, and also easy to extend, by mean of adding new algorithms, new problems, new agents...

Changes to previous version:

Initial Announcement on

BibTeX Entry: Download
Supported Operating Systems: Agnostic
Data Formats: None
Tags: Online Learning, Reinforcement Learning, Algorithms, Qlearning
Archive: download here


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