Projects that are tagged with molecules.

Logo Rchemcpp 1.99.0

by klambaue - September 10, 2013, 09:10:13 CET [ Project Homepage BibTeX Download ] 18793 views, 4164 downloads, 0 subscriptions

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About: The Rchemcpp package implements the marginalized graph kernel and extensions, Tanimoto kernels, graph kernels, pharmacophore and 3D kernels suggested for measuring the similarity of molecules.


Moved from CRAN to Bioconductor. Improved handling of molecules, visualization and examples.

Logo ChemCpp 1.0.2

by pmahe - November 28, 2007, 21:47:44 CET [ Project Homepage BibTeX Download ] 10028 views, 3442 downloads, 0 subscriptions

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About: ChemCpp is a C++ toolbox for chemoinformatics focusing on the computation of kernel functions between chemical compounds.


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