Projects that are tagged with index structures.

Logo ELKI 0.7.1

by erich - March 14, 2016, 13:44:02 CET [ Project Homepage BibTeX BibTeX for corresponding Paper Download ] 70090 views, 13478 downloads, 0 subscriptions

About: ELKI is a framework for implementing data-mining algorithms with support for index structures, that includes a wide variety of clustering and outlier detection methods.


Additions and improvements from ELKI 0.7.0 to 0.7.1:

Algorithm additions:

  • GriDBSCAN: DBSCAN using grid partitioning (Minkowski distances only)

  • Compare-Means and Sort-Means k-means variations (much faster than traditional k-means)

  • Visualization of dendrograms.

Important bug fixes:

  • Classes with no package ("default package") would cause errors.

  • The fast power function implementation was sometimes returning incorrect results.

  • Random sampling was sometimes not sampling from the full data set.

UI improvements:

  • The file input source will now automatically choose the Arff parser for .arff files.

  • MiniGUI now allows choosing other applications.

  • MiniGUI now displays the command line in a separate field.

  • MiniGUI displays an error message, if an incorrect classpath or JAyatana (on Ubuntu) is detected.

  • Export to png now works, we added a work-around for an open Batik bug.

Smaller changes:

  • Many smaller bug fixes.

  • C-Index for cluster evaluation now can process larger data sets.

  • OPTICS output of undefined reachability fixed.

  • External distance matrixes are easier to use and perform additional checks.

  • Precomputed distance matrixes can answer range and kNN queries.

  • Voronoi visualization can be switched in the menu now.

  • Improved backwards command line compatibility with additional aliases.

  • Added generated @since annotations in JavaDoc.

  • Many new unit tests, renamed to the Java conventions.

  • Low-level reading of service files, to have faster startup.