Projects that are tagged with gmm.

Logo JMLR MLPACK 3.0.2

by rcurtin - June 9, 2018, 18:03:57 CET [ Project Homepage BibTeX BibTeX for corresponding Paper Download ] 233697 views, 41091 downloads, 0 subscriptions

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About: A fast, flexible C++ machine learning library, with bindings to other languages.


Released June 8th, 2018.

  • Documentation generation fixes for Python bindings (#1421).
  • Fix build error for man pages if command-line bindings are not being built (#1424).
  • Add shuffle parameter and Shuffle() method to KFoldCV (#1412). This will shuffle the data when the object is constructed, or when Shuffle() is called.
  • Added neural network layers: AtrousConvolution (#1390), Embedding (#1401), and LayerNorm (layer normalization) (#1389).
  • Add Pendulum environment for reinforcement learning (#1388) and update Mountain Car environment (#1394).

Logo libcluster 2.3

by dsteinberg - February 27, 2016, 00:36:01 CET [ Project Homepage BibTeX BibTeX for corresponding Paper Download ] 21401 views, 4654 downloads, 0 subscriptions

About: An extensible C++ library of Hierarchical Bayesian clustering algorithms, such as Bayesian Gaussian mixture models, variational Dirichlet processes, Gaussian latent Dirichlet allocation and more.


New maximum cluster argument for all algorithms. Also no more matlab interface since it seemed no one was using it, and I cannot support it any longer.

Logo Torch 3

by bengio - November 13, 2007, 01:38:29 CET [ Project Homepage BibTeX BibTeX for corresponding Paper Download ] 14360 views, 4903 downloads, 0 subscriptions

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About: Torch is a statistical machine learning library written in C++ at IDIAP,


Initial Announcement on