Projects that are tagged with active learning.

Logo BayesOpt, a Bayesian Optimization toolbox 0.8.2

by rmcantin - December 9, 2015, 04:53:31 CET [ Project Homepage BibTeX BibTeX for corresponding Paper Download ] 72063 views, 14419 downloads, 0 subscriptions

About: BayesOpt is an efficient, C++ implementation of the Bayesian optimization methodology for nonlinear-optimization, experimental design and stochastic bandits. In the literature it is also called Sequential Kriging Optimization (SKO) or Efficient Global Optimization (EGO). There are also interfaces for C, Matlab/Octave and Python.


-Fixed bug in save/restore. -Fixed bug in initial design.

Logo ABACOC Adaptive Ball Cover for Classification 2.0

by kikot - May 29, 2015, 11:57:28 CET [ BibTeX BibTeX for corresponding Paper Download ] 15889 views, 3989 downloads, 0 subscriptions

About: Incremental (Online) Nonparametric Classifier. You can classify both points (standard) or matrices (multivariate time series). Java and Matlab code already available.


version 2: parameterless system, constant model size, prediction confidence (for active learning).

NEW!! C++ version at:

Logo JMLR Surrogate Modeling Toolbox 7.0.2

by dgorissen - September 4, 2010, 07:48:59 CET [ Project Homepage BibTeX BibTeX for corresponding Paper Download ] 33021 views, 8688 downloads, 0 subscriptions

About: The SUMO Toolbox is a Matlab toolbox that automatically builds accurate surrogate models (also known as metamodels or response surface models) of a given data source (e.g., simulation code, data set, script, ...) within the accuracy and time constraints set by the user. The toolbox minimizes the number of data points (which it selects automatically) since they are usually expensive.


Incremental update, fixing some cosmetic issues, coincides with JMLR publication.

Logo JMLR Matlab toolbox for submodular function optimization 2.0

by krausea - April 7, 2010, 09:53:40 CET [ Project Homepage BibTeX BibTeX for corresponding Paper Download ] 33404 views, 9322 downloads, 0 subscriptions

About: This toolbox provides functions for maximizing and minimizing submodular set functions, with applications to Bayesian experimental design, inference in Markov Random Fields, clustering and others.

  • Modified specification of optional parameters (using sfo_opt)
  • Added sfo_ls_lazy for maximizing nonnegative submodular functions
  • Added sfo_fn_infogain, sfo_fn_lincomb, sfo_fn_invert, ...
  • Added additional documentation and more examples
  • Now Octave ready

Logo LASVM 1.1

by leonbottou - August 3, 2009, 15:50:30 CET [ Project Homepage BibTeX Download ] 20721 views, 4164 downloads, 0 subscriptions

About: Reference implementation of the LASVM online and active SVM algorithms as described in the JMLR paper. The interesting bit is a small C library that implements the LASVM process and reprocess [...]


Minor bug fix