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About: A MATLAB toolbox for defining complex machine learning comparisons Changes:Initial Announcement on
About: This provide a semi-supervised learning method based co-training for RGB-D object recognition. Besides, we evaluate four state-of-the-art feature learing method under the semi-supervised learning framework. Changes:Initial Announcement on
About: This library implements the Optimum-Path Forest classifier for unsupervised and supervised learning. Changes:Initial Announcement on
About: pySPACE is the abbreviation for "Signal Processing and Classification Environment in Python using YAML and supporting parallelization". It is a modular software for processing of large data streams that has been specifically designed to enable distributed execution and empirical evaluation of signal processing chains. Various signal processing algorithms (so called nodes) are available within the software, from finite impulse response filters over data-dependent spatial filters (e.g. CSP, xDAWN) to established classifiers (e.g. SVM, LDA). pySPACE incorporates the concept of node and node chains of the MDP framework. Due to its modular architecture, the software can easily be extended with new processing nodes and more general operations. Large scale empirical investigations can be configured using simple text- configuration files in the YAML format, executed on different (distributed) computing modalities, and evaluated using an interactive graphical user interface. Changes:improved testing, improved documentation, windows compatibility, more algorithms
About: revised version of BACOM Changes:Initial Announcement on
About: A community detection method based on constrained fractional set programming (CFSP). Changes:Initial Announcement on
About: A MATLAB toolkit for performing generalized regression with equality/inequality constraints on the function value/gradient. Changes:Initial Announcement on
About: RLPy is a framework for performing reinforcement learning (RL) experiments in Python. RLPy provides a large library of agent and domain components, and a suite of tools to aid in experiments (parallelization, hyperparameter optimization, code profiling, and plotting). Changes:
About: CURFIL uses NVIDIA CUDA to accelerate random forest training and prediction for RGB and RGB-D images. It focuses on image labelling tasks, such as image segmentation or classification applications. CURFIL allows to search for optimal hyper-parameter configurations (e.g. using the hyperopt) package) by massively decreasing training time. Changes:Initial Announcement on
About: Toeblitz is a MATLAB/Octave package for operations on positive definite Toeplitz matrices. It can solve Toeplitz systems Tx = b in O(n*log(n)) time and O(n) memory, compute matrix inverses T^(-1) (with free log determinant) in O(n^2) time and memory, compute log determinants (without inverses) in O(n^2) time and O(n) memory, and compute traces of products A*T for any matrix A, in minimal O(n^2) time and memory. Changes:Adding a write-up in written/toeblitz.pdf describing the package.
About: Caffe aims to provide computer vision scientists with a clean, modifiable implementation of state-of-the-art deep learning algorithms. We believe that Caffe is the fastest available GPU CNN implementation. Caffe also provides seamless switching between CPU and GPU, which allows one to train models with fast GPUs and then deploy them on non-GPU clusters. Even in CPU mode, computing predictions on an image takes only 20 ms (in batch mode). Changes:LOTS of stuff:
About: The implementation of adaptive probabilistic mappings. Changes:Initial Announcement on
About: Boosting algorithms for classification and regression, with many variations. Features include: Scalable and robust; Easily customizable loss functions; One-shot training for an entire regularization path; Continuous checkpointing; much more Changes:
About: Script-friendly command-line tools for machine learning and data mining tasks. (The command-line tools wrap functionality from a public domain C++ class library.) Changes:Added support for CUDA GPU-parallelized neural network layers, and several other new features. Full list of changes at
About: Crino: a neural-network library based on Theano Changes:1.0.0 (7 july 2014) : - Initial release of crino - Implements a torch-like library to build artificial neural networks (ANN) - Provides standard implementations for : * auto-encoders * multi-layer perceptrons (MLP) * deep neural networks (DNN) * input output deep architecture (IODA) - Provides a batch-gradient backpropagation algorithm, with adaptative learning rate
About: ARTOS can be used to quickly learn models for visual object detection without having to collect a set of samples manually. To make this possible, it uses ImageNet, a large image database with more than 20,000 categories. Changes:Initial Announcement on
About: This package is an implementation of a linear RankSVM solver with non-convex regularization. Changes:Initial Announcement on
About: PyStruct is a framework for learning structured prediction in Python. It has a modular interface, similar to the well-known SVMstruct. Apart from learning algorithms it also contains model formulations for popular CRFs and interfaces to many inference algorithm implementation. Changes:Initial Announcement on
About: Efficient implementation of Semi-Stochastic Gradient Descent algorithm (S2GD) for training logistic regression (L2-regularized). Changes:Initial Announcement on
About: This package implements Ideal PCA in MATLAB. Ideal PCA is a (cross-)kernel based feature extraction algorithm which is (a) a faster alternative to kernel PCA and (b) a method to learn data manifold certifying features. Changes:Initial Announcement on