About: A non-iterative learning method for one-layer (no hidden layer) neural networks, where the weights can be calculated in a closed-form manner, thereby avoiding low convergence rate and also hyperparameter tuning. The proposed learning method, LANN-SVD in short, presents a good computational efficiency for large-scale data analytic. Changes:Initial Announcement on mloss.org.
About: OpenNN is a software library written in C++ for advanced analytics. It implements neural networks, the most successful machine learning method. The library has been designed to learn from both data sets and mathematical models. Changes:New algorithms, correction of bugs.
About: Software for Automatic Construction and Inference of DBNs Based on Mathematical Models Changes:Initial Announcement on mloss.org.
About: Bayesian Logic (BLOG) is a probabilistic modeling language. It is designed for representing relations and uncertainties among real world objects. Changes:Initial Announcement on mloss.org.