About: Use the power of crowdsourcing to create ensembles. Changes:Initial Announcement on mloss.org.
About: Link Prediction Made Easy Changes:v1.2.2
About: This is a Matlab/C++ "toolbox" of code for learning and inference with graphical models. It is focused on parameter learning using marginalization in the high-treewidth setting. Changes:Initial Announcement on mloss.org.
About: The Kernel-Machine Library is a free (released under the LGPL) C++ library to promote the use of and progress of kernel machines. Changes:Updated mloss entry (minor fixes).
About: Multicore/distributed large scale machine learning framework. Changes:Update version.
About: jblas is a fast linear algebra library for Java. jblas is based on BLAS and LAPACK, the de-facto industry standard for matrix computations, and uses state-of-the-art implementations like ATLAS for all its computational routines, making jBLAS very fast. Changes:Changes from 1.0:
About: GIDOC (Gimp-based Interactive transcription of old text DOCuments) is a computer-assisted transcription prototype for handwritten text in old documents. It is a first attempt to provide integrated support for interactive-predictive page layout analysis, text line detection and handwritten text transcription. GIDOC is built on top of the well-known GNU Image Manipulation Program (GIMP), and uses standard techniques and tools for handwritten text preprocessing and feature extraction, HMM-based image modelling, and language modelling. Changes:Updated version for mloss 2010
About: BACKGROUND:Over the last decade several prediction methods have been developed for determining the structural and functional properties of individual protein residues using sequence and sequence-derived information. Most of these methods are based on support vector machines as they provide accurate and generalizable prediction models. RESULTS:We present a general purpose protein residue annotation toolkit (svmPRAT) to allow biologists to formulate residue-wise prediction problems. svmPRAT formulates the annotation problem as a classification or regression problem using support vector machines. One of the key features of svmPRAT is its ease of use in incorporating any user-provided information in the form of feature matrices. For every residue svmPRAT captures local information around the reside to create fixed length feature vectors. svmPRAT implements accurate and fast kernel functions, and also introduces a flexible window-based encoding scheme that accurately captures signals and pattern for training eective predictive models. CONCLUSIONS:In this work we evaluate svmPRAT on several classification and regression problems including disorder prediction, residue-wise contact order estimation, DNA-binding site prediction, and local structure alphabet prediction. svmPRAT has also been used for the development of state-of-the-art transmembrane helix prediction method called TOPTMH, and secondary structure prediction method called YASSPP. This toolkit developed provides practitioners an efficient and easy-to-use tool for a wide variety of annotation problems. Availability: http://www.cs.gmu.edu/~mlbio/svmprat/ Changes:Initial Announcement on mloss.org.