4 projects found that use the gpl version 3 or later license.
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Logo arts 0.2

by sonne - May 25, 2009, 09:56:31 CET [ Project Homepage BibTeX BibTeX for corresponding Paper Download ] 12114 views, 2605 downloads, 0 subscriptions

About: ARTS is an accurate predictor for Transcription Start Sites (TSS).


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Logo stroll 0.1

by ppletscher - April 1, 2009, 14:32:31 CET [ Project Homepage BibTeX BibTeX for corresponding Paper Download ] 11751 views, 2482 downloads, 0 subscriptions

About: stroll (STRuctured Output Learning Library) is a library for Structured Output Learning.


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Logo CVXOPT 1.1

by jdahl - October 24, 2008, 21:37:16 CET [ Project Homepage BibTeX Download ] 11169 views, 3391 downloads, 0 comments, 0 subscriptions

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About: CVXOPT is a free software package for convex optimization based on the Python programming language. It can be used with the interactive Python interpreter, on the command line by executing Python [...]


Initial Announcement on mloss.org.

Logo TiMBL 6.1

by antalvdb - January 11, 2008, 09:20:57 CET [ Project Homepage BibTeX BibTeX for corresponding Paper Download ] 13773 views, 2875 downloads, 0 comments, 0 subscriptions

About: The TiMBL software package is a fast, decision-tree-based implementation of k-nearest neighbor classification. The package includes the IB1, IB2, TRIBL, TRIBL2, and IGTree algorithms, and offers [...]


Initial Announcement on mloss.org.

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