About: A fast, flexible C++ machine learning library, with bindings to other languages. Changes:Released June 8th, 2018.
About: A Java framework for statistical analysis and classification of biological sequences Changes:New classes and packages:
New features and improvements:
About: The SHOGUN machine learning toolbox's focus is on large scale learning methods with focus on Support Vector Machines (SVM), providing interfaces to python, octave, matlab, r and the command line. Changes:This release features the work of our 8 GSoC 2014 students [student; mentors]:
It also contains several cleanups and bugfixes: Features
Cleanup and API Changes
About: Tapkee is an efficient and flexible C++ template library for dimensionality reduction. Changes:Initial Announcement on mloss.org.
About: MOSIS is a modularized framework for signal processing, stream analysis, machine learning and stream mining applications. Changes:
About: The Gesture Recognition Toolkit (GRT) is a cross-platform, open-source, c++ machine learning library that has been specifically designed for real-time gesture recognition. It features a large number of machine-learning algorithms for both classification and regression in addition to a wide range of supporting algorithms for pre-processing, feature extraction and dataset management. The GRT has been designed for real-time gesture recognition, but it can also be applied to more general machine-learning tasks. Changes:Added Decision Tree and Random Forests.
About: Test submission. Is MLOSS working? Changes:Initial Announcement on mloss.org.
About: MLDemos is a user-friendly visualization interface for various machine learning algorithms for classification, regression, clustering, projection, dynamical systems, reward maximisation and reinforcement learning. Changes:New Visualization and Dataset Features Added 3D visualization of samples and classification, regression and maximization results Added Visualization panel with individual plots, correlations, density, etc. Added Editing tools to drag/magnet data, change class, increase or decrease dimensions of the dataset Added categorical dimensions (indexed dimensions with non-numerical values) Added Dataset Editing panel to swap, delete and rename dimensions, classes or categorical values Several bug-fixes for display, import/export of data, classification performance New Algorithms and methodologies Added Projections to pre-process data (which can then be classified/regressed/clustered), with LDA, PCA, KernelPCA, ICA, CCA Added Grid-Search panel for batch-testing ranges of values for up to two parameters at a time Added One-vs-All multi-class classification for non-multi-class algorithms Trained models can now be kept and tested on new data (training on one dataset, testing on another) Added a dataset generator panel for standard toy datasets (e.g. swissroll, checkerboard,...) Added a number of clustering, regression and classification algorithms (FLAME, DBSCAN, LOWESS, CCA, KMEANS++, GP Classification, Random Forests) Added Save/Load Model option for GMMs and SVMs Added Growing Hierarchical Self Organizing Maps (original code by Michael Dittenbach) Added Automatic Relevance Determination for SVM with RBF kernel (Thanks to Ashwini Shukla!)
About: A desktop planetarium and sky map program which shows the sky from anywhere on Earth at any time. Changes:Removed erroneous topocentric code. Increased maximum zoom for detail on planets.
About: Preparing Changes:Initial Announcement on mloss.org.
About: Ohmm is a library for learning hidden Markov models by using Online EM algorithm. This library is specialized for large scale data; e.g. 1 million words. The output includes parameters, and estimation results. Changes:Initial Announcement on mloss.org.
About: CRFSuite is a speed-oriented implementation of Conditional Random Fields (CRFs). This software features: parameter estimation using SGD and L-BFGS, l1/l2 regularization, simple data I/O format, etc. Changes:Initial Announcement on mloss.org.