Projects authored by hardy xiong.

Logo HSSVM 1.0.1

by xjbean - June 8, 2010, 16:16:05 CET [ Project Homepage BibTeX BibTeX for corresponding Paper Download ] 29614 views, 5901 downloads, 0 subscriptions

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About: HSSVM is a software for solving multi-class problem using Hyper-sphere Support Vector Machines model, implemented by Java.

  1. From this version, the version number is normalized to hssvm1.0.1;
  2. In this version, we delete the features about running parameter searching and run-all from Ant script, that is, commands "ant search-param" and "ant run-all" which exist in previous version are no longer available, and they are replaced with commands "svm search conf" and "svm runall conf", both of them are used on Linux(or all other POSIX systems).If you want to use this program on Windows, the cygwin is required to be installed.