About: NaN-toolbox is a statistics and machine learning toolbox for handling data with and without missing values. Changes:Changes in v.3.1.2 - improve configuration and build system - support of more platforms (including Octave 4.2.0) improved Changes in v.3.0.3 - improve compatibility for Octave on Windows Changes in v.3.0.1 - fix packaging for octave Changes in v.2.8.5 - bug fix: trimmean - compiler support for gcc-5 and clang - fix typos For details see the CHANGELOG at http://pub.ist.ac.at/~schloegl/matlab/NaN/CHANGELOG
About: BioSig is a software library for biomedical signal processings. Besides several other modules, one modul (t400) provides a common interface (train_sc.m and test_sc.m) to various classification [...] Changes:Update of project information: machine learning and classification tools are moved to the NaN-toolbox.