- Description:
Recur began as the technical core of an artwork, and contains two Gstreamer plugins (recur and rnnca) aimed at the rather useless task of learning to produce abstract video. There is also a plugin that classifies audio streams which has been used with some success for identifying birds and human languages.
Recur also has character-level language model interfaces, and has been used in author identification tasks.
The RNN runs on the CPU and can calculate the matrix multiplications faster than Openblas or Atlas by exploiting knowledge of sparseness due to the activations.
It probably isn't what you want.
- Changes to previous version:
Initial Announcement on mloss.org.
- BibTeX Entry: Download
- Supported Operating Systems: Linux
- Data Formats: Wav, Various
- Tags: Rnn, Language Model, Audio, Video
- Archive: download here
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