Project details for AIDE

Logo AIDE 0.2

by khalili - January 3, 2014, 18:01:06 CET [ Project Homepage BibTeX Download ]

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Automata-learning includes techniques to construct (learn/identify) model of a given -black box- system in which its underlying model is an automaton in an automatic way.

Like other -machine- learning approaches, it can be categorized as offline/passive and online/active way. The main focus of AIDE is to provide active automata-learning in which there is a teacher (also called oracle) who knows the model of system and is able to answer two kinds of queries: membership queries and equivalence queries.

Note that in black-box system, we do not have the underlying model of system and so, the there is no real oracle who can answer equivalence queries. So, we should provide a way to approximate the equivalence queries. The solution is usually using testing to approximate the equivalence queries.

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BibTeX Entry: Download
Supported Operating Systems: Windows, Ubuntu
Data Formats: Xml, Dot
Tags: Automata Learning, Regular Inference
Archive: download here


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