Project details for HSSR Hessian based semi supervised regression and dimensionality reduction

Logo HSSR Hessian based semi supervised regression and dimensionality reduction 1.0

by kimki - December 15, 2009, 19:21:59 CET [ Project Homepage BibTeX BibTeX for corresponding Paper Download ]

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This package contains Matlab code for semi-supervised regression using the Hessian energy.

Semi-supervised regression based on the graph Laplacian suffers from the fact that the solution is biased towards a constant and the lack of extrapolating power (cf. project web for examples). Based on these observations, we propose using the second-order Hessian energy for semi-supervised regression which overcomes both these problems. If the data lies on or close to a low-dimensional submanifold in feature space, the Hessian energy prefers functions whose values vary linearly with respect to geodesic distance, which makes it particulary suited for semi-supervised dimensionality reduction.

The code provides a more stable estimate of the Hessian operator as the one used in ‘Hessian eigenmaps’ proposed by Donoho and Grimes and thus using its eigenvectors can also be used for unsupervised dimensionality reduction.

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BibTeX Entry: Download
Corresponding Paper BibTeX Entry: Download
Supported Operating Systems: Platform Independent
Data Formats: Matlab
Tags: Semi Supervised Learning, Regression, Dimensionality Reduction
Archive: download here


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