Project details for pboost

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by nowozin - November 13, 2007, 08:48:28 CET [ Project Homepage BibTeX Download ]

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The pboost toolbox is a set of command line programs and a Matlab wrapper for mining frequent subsequences and sequence classification. For our purposes, a sequence is defined an ordered sequence of sets of discrete numbers. (If all sets contain exactly one element, the sequence is a string. If there is only one set, it reduces to itemset mining.) This definition of sequence is flexible enough to model a number of interesting problems and has been used successfully for human action classification in video data and web clickstream mining.

The pboost toolbox includes source codes for the following functionalities:

* PrefixSpan frequent subsequence mining (frequency defined either by minimum support threshold or by top-K frequent subsequences)
* Discriminative subsequence mining
* nu-LPBoost 2-class classifier
* nu-LPBoost 1.5-class (one class with negative examples) classifier
* DDAG-decomposition multiclass classifier
* Matlab wrappers to all of the above functionality, as well as glue code to the gboost toolbox.
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BibTeX Entry: Download
Data Formats: None
Tags: Classification
Archive: download here


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