- Description:
OLaRankGreedy is an online solver of the dual formulation of support vector machines for structured output spaces. Here is displayed its implementation for sequence labelling using a greedy inference scheme. The per-sequence training time is the same as a perceptron based on the same inference procedure, up to a small multiplicative constant.
In comparison to existing algorithms, OLaRankGreedy matches the accuracy of batch solvers that use viterbi decoding after a single (much faster) pass over the training examples.
- Changes to previous version:
Initial Announcement on mloss.org.
- BibTeX Entry: Download
- Corresponding Paper BibTeX Entry: Download
- Supported Operating Systems: Cygwin, Macosx, Unix
- Data Formats: Svmlight
- Tags: Structured Outputs, Online Learning, Sequential Labeling
- Archive: download here
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