- Description:
The Advanced Data mining and Machine learning System, or short ADAMS, is a novel, flexible workflow engine aimed at quickly building and maintaining real-world, complex knowledge workflows. Instead of placing operators on a canvas and manually connecting them, a tree structure and flow control operators determine how the data is being processed, e.g., sequentially or in parallel. This approach allows the rapid development and easy maintenance of large workflows, consisting of hundreds or even thousands of operators. ADAMS offers operators for machine learning libraries like WEKA and MOA and image processing libraries such as ImageJ, Java Advanced Imaging (JAI), ImageMagick and Gnuplot. Via Rserve, the R-Project can be incorporated in flows for data processing. With the WEKA webservice, other frameworks can take advantage of WEKA's models as well. For fast prototyping the user can use scripting languages such as Groovy and Jython. GIS support is possible with the OpenStreetMap integration.
- Changes to previous version:
- 13 new actors
- 1 new conversion
- new module adams-access: for accessing MS Access databases (read/write)
- adams-heatmap module overhaul
- adams-imaging: barcode (QRCode etc) encoding/decoding, multi-image operations (and, or, xor)
- Flow editor gets a "quick edit" tab
- MEKA upgraded to 1.7.5
- Weka filter "Scale" (unsupervised/instance) allows you to scale the values of a row eg to interval 0 to 1
- SimplePlot sink is a "dumbed down" version of the SequencePlotter with only basic options -- enough to create good looking plots quickly
- Upper/LowerCase conversion take the locale into account now
- added print support for PDFs
- fixed sluggish behavior in Flow editor (open/save/undo)
- TryCatch correctly flushes token now
- spreadsheet column range/index sometimes failed in conjunction with variables
- fixed memory leak in Weka Explorer plugins FixedClassifierErrorPlot, ThresholdCurve
- WekaExcel upgraded to 1.0.5 (no longer omits last row in sheets)
- WhileLoop did not react to changes in variables once looping, ie conditions couldn't make use of variables
- ImageProcessor now works again with the improved ImageFileChooser dialog
- PreviewBrowser displays arrays in a more meaningful way
- WekaFileReader didn't output empty datasets in DATASET mode
- obtaining subsets from Notes objects only resulted in first element being retrieved
- BibTeX Entry: Download
- Corresponding Paper BibTeX Entry: Download
- Supported Operating Systems: Agnostic
- Data Formats: Arff, Csv, Tab Separated, Libsvm, Xrff, Excel, Odf, Xls, Xlsx
- Tags: R, Workflow, Weka, Image Processing, Webservice, Moa, Gis, Openstreetmap, Meka
- Archive: download here
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