Open Thoughts

ICML 2010 MLOSS Workshop Preliminary Program now available

Posted by Soeren Sonnenburg on May 13, 2010

The programme of the ICML 2010 Machine Learning Open Source Software workshop is now available. All contributors should have received a notification of acceptance email by now. We thank all of you for your submissions. This year we received 16 submissions of which 5 were selected for talks and 8 for short (5 minute) poster spotlight presentations. These 13 submissions will all be presented in the poster session. A detailed schedule of the workshop is available from the workshop website.

Note that we changed the format of the MLOSS workshop slightly (compared to the previous ones taking place at NIPS): We are now going to have extended poster sessions, with hopefully all authors presenting their work in a (short) talk and posters or even live demos.

Doing so we hope to see more interaction between projects and allowed us to accept more than just 8 papers for just talks.


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