- Description:
If you use GPstuff, please use the reference: Jarno Vanhatalo, Jaakko Riihimäki, Jouni Hartikainen, Pasi Jylänki, Ville Tolvanen, Aki Vehtari (2013). GPstuff: Bayesian Modeling with Gaussian Processes. In Journal of Machine Learning Research, 14:1175-1179.
See also user guide at http://arxiv.org/abs/1206.5754
GPstuff is a toolbox for Bayesian Modeling with Gaussian Processes with following features and more:
Several covariance functions (e.g. squared exponential, exponential, Matérn, periodic and a compactly supported piece wise polynomial function)
- Sums, products and scaling of covariance functions
- Euclidean and delta distance
- Several mean functions with marginalized parameters
Several likelihood/observation models
- Continuous observations: Gaussian, Gaussian scale mixture (MCMC only), Student's-t, quantile regression
- Classification: Logit, Probit, multinomial logit (softmax), multinomial probit
- Count data: Binomial, Poisson, (Zero truncated) Negative-Binomial, Hurdle model, Zero-inflated Negative-Binomial, Multinomial
- Survival: Cox-PH, Weibull, log-Gaussian, log-logistic
- Point process: Log-Gaussian Cox process
- Density estimation and regression: logistic GP
- Other: derivative observations (for sexp covariance function only)
- Monotonicity information
- Hierarchical priors for hyperparameters
Sparse models
- Sparse matrix routines for compactly supported covariance functions
- Fully and partially independent conditional (FIC, PIC)
- Compactly supported plus FIC (CS+FIC)
- Variational sparse (VAR), Deterministic training conditional (DTC), Subset of regressors (SOR) (Gaussian/EP only)
Latent inference
- Exact (Gaussian only)
- Laplace, Expectation propagation (EP), Parallel EP, Robust-EP
- marginal posterior corrections (cm2 and fact)
- Scaled Metropolis, Hamiltonian Monte Carlo (HMC), Scaled HMC, Elliptical slice sampling
- State space inference (1D for some covariance functions)
Hyperparameter inference
- Type II ML/MAP
- Leave-one-out cross-validation (LOO-CV), Laplace/EP LOO-CV
- Metropolis, HMC, No-U-Turn-Sampler (NUTS), Slice Sampling (SLS), Surrogate SLS, Shrinking-rank SLS, Covariance-matching SLS
- Grid, CCD, Importance sampling
Model assessment
- LOO-CV, Laplace/EP LOO-CV, IS-LOO-CV, k-fold-CV
- Average predictive comparison
Several covariance functions (e.g. squared exponential, exponential, Matérn, periodic and a compactly supported piece wise polynomial function)
- Changes to previous version:
2015-07-09 Version 4.6
Development and release branches available at https://github.com/gpstuff-dev/gpstuff
New features
Use Pareto smoothed importance sampling (Vehtari & Gelman, 2015) for
importance sampling leave-one-out cross-validation (gpmc_loopred.m)
importance sampling integration over hyperparameters (gp_ia.m)
importance sampling part of the logistic Gaussian process density estimation (lgpdens.m)
- Aki Vehtari and Andrew Gelman (2015). Pareto smoothed importance sampling. arXiv preprint arXiv:1507.02646.
- Aki Vehtari, Andrew Gelman and Jonah Gabry (2015). Efficient implementation of leave-one-out cross-validation and WAIC for evaluating fitted Bayesian models.
New covariance functions
- gpcf_additive creates a mixture over products of kernels for each dimension reference: Duvenaud, D. K., Nickisch, H., & Rasmussen, C. E. (2011). Additive Gaussian processes. In Advances in neural information processing systems, pp. 226-234.
- gpcf_linearLogistic corresponds to logistic mean function
- gpcf_linearMichelismenten correpsonds Michelis Menten mean function
Improvements - faster EP moment calculation for lik_logit
Several minor bugfixes
- BibTeX Entry: Download
- Corresponding Paper BibTeX Entry: Download
- Supported Operating Systems: Agnostic, Platform Independent
- Data Formats: Matlab, Octave
- Tags: Classification, Regression, Machine Learning, Nonparametric Bayes, Gaussian Process, Bayesian Inference
- Archive: download here
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