Project details for Malheur

Screenshot Malheur 0.5.3

by konrad - December 27, 2012, 14:35:19 CET [ Project Homepage BibTeX BibTeX for corresponding Paper Download ]

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Malheur is a tool for the automatic analysis of malware behavior (program behavior recorded from malicious software in a sandbox environment). It has been designed to support the regular analysis of malicious software and the development of detection and defense measures. Malheur allows for identifying novel classes of malware with similar behavior and assigning unknown malware to discovered classes.

Malheur builds on the concept of dynamic analysis: Malware binaries are collected in the wild and executed in a sandbox, where their behavior is monitored during run-time. The execution of each malware binary results in a report of recorded behavior. Malheur analyzes these reports for discovery and discrimination of malware classes using machine learning.

Malheur can be applied to recorded behavior of various format, as long as monitored events are separated by delimiter symbols, for example as in reports generated by the popular malware sandboxes CWSandbox, Anubis, Norman Sandbox and Joebox.

Changes to previous version:

The tool's persistent state is stored in the local state directory (i.e. /var) for better maintenance. Several minor bugs have been fixed.

BibTeX Entry: Download
Corresponding Paper BibTeX Entry: Download
Supported Operating Systems: Posix
Data Formats: Mist, Txt
Tags: Sequence Analysis, Classification, Clustering
Archive: download here


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