- Description:
ITE can estimate Shannon-, Rényi-, Tsallis entropy; generalized variance, kernel canonical correlation analysis, kernel generalized variance, Hilbert-Schmidt independence criterion, Shannon-, L2-, Rényi-, Tsallis mutual information, copula-based kernel dependency, multivariate version of Hoeffding's Phi; complex variants of entropy and mutual information; L2-, Rényi-, Tsallis-, Kullback-Leibler divergence; Hellinger-, Bhattacharyya distance, maximum mean discrepancy, and J-distance.
ITE offers solution methods for
- Independent Subspace Analysis (ISA) and
- its extensions to different linear-, controlled-, post nonlinear-, complex valued-, partially observed models, as well as to systems with nonparametric source dynamics.
ITE is
- written in Matlab/Octave,
- multi-platform (tested extensively on Windows and Linux),
- free and open source (released under the GNU GPLv3(>=) license).
- Changes to previous version:
Two Shannon entropy estimators based on the distance (KL divergence) from the uniform/Gaussian distributions: added.
Shannon entropy estimator based on Voronoi regions: added.
- BibTeX Entry: Download
- Corresponding Paper BibTeX Entry: Download
- Supported Operating Systems: Linux, Windows
- Data Formats: Matlab, Octave
- Tags: Entropy, Mutual Information, Divergence, Independent Subspace Analysis, Separation Principles, Independent Process Analysis
- Archive: download here
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