- Description:
markov thebeast is a Markov Logic interpreter. We also see it as structured prediction framework in which the user can define a loglinear distribution over a complex output space.
thebeast provides MAP inference using a Cutting Plane based technique that was shown to be very efficient (see paper). Parameter Estimation is performed via Online Learning and 3 different update rules: MIRA, Perceptron and Passive-Aggressive-Learning.
thebeast comes with an interactive shell that allows the user to inspect the trained model in various ways.
Version 0.0.2 comes with an improved manual, an additional example application and some small bugfixes.
- Changes to previous version:
Initial Announcement on mloss.org.
- BibTeX Entry: Download
- Corresponding Paper BibTeX Entry: Download
- Supported Operating Systems: Agnostic
- Data Formats: None
- Tags: Markov Logic, Statistical Relational Learning
- Archive: download here
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