Project details for Statistical Comparison of Multiple Algorithms in Multiple Problems

Logo Statistical Comparison of Multiple Algorithms in Multiple Problems 0.2

by b0rxa - June 10, 2015, 18:09:37 CET [ Project Homepage BibTeX Download ]

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R package implementing statistical test and post hoc tests to compare multiple algorithms in multiple problems. The package implements, among other methods:

.- Friedman, Friedman Aligned Rank and Quade tests for non-parametric multiple comparisons. .- Shaffer's and Bergmann and Hommel's method for multiple testing correction in pairwise comparisons .- Graphical methods, such as Critical Differences plots.

The methods implemented are those in:

Demšar, J. (2006) Statistical Comparisons of Classifiers over Multiple Data Sets. Journal of Machine Learning Research, 7, 1-30.

García S. and Herrera, F. (2008) An Extension on "Statistical Comparisons of Classifiers over Multiple Data Sets" for all Pairwise Comparisons. Journal of Machine Learning Research, 9, 2677-2694.

García S. and Herrera, F. (2010) Advanced Nonparametric Tests for Multiple Comparison in the Design of Experiments in Computational Intelligence and Data Mining: Experimental Analysis of Power. Information Sciences, 180, 2044-2064.

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Supported Operating Systems: Platform Independent
Data Formats: Csv
Tags: Machine Learning, Optimization, Multiple Comparisons, Statistical Test
Archive: download here


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