Project details for SonS and MDSonS, Software for hierarchical clustering visualization

Logo SonS and MDSonS, Software for hierarchical clustering visualization V1

by marmarj3 - June 18, 2013, 12:18:05 CET [ Project Homepage BibTeX Download ]

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This toolbox consist of two Matlab functions "sons.m" and "mdsons.m". To learn how to use these functions (and to interpret these methods), check the folder named "Tutorial" and click on the "HELP" html file. Two cases of study are detailed in this file. Also you can replicate the results and content of html help file. For this purpose, there are two folders named "SonS(Synthetic data set)" and "MDSon_German_Elections" in which the two cases of study proposed in the html help file are presented. To do this, you must run the programs in the following order:

1) clustering.m: The program carries out a hierarchical clustering. It saves the centroids and the labels of the data of the different hierarchies (the labels indicate the belonging to each cluster).

2) example.m: This program calls the sons.m and mdsons.m functions for visualizing the results of the clustering provided by "clustering.m". "sons.m" and "mdsons.m" functions represent only one hierarchical level, so in "example.m" there are different calls of these functions in order to represent the different hierarchies.

Changes to previous version:

Initial Announcement on

BibTeX Entry: Download
Supported Operating Systems: Linux, Windows, Mac Os X, Ubuntu
Data Formats: Matlab
Tags: Matlab, Clustering, Hierarchical Clustering, Data Visualization
Archive: download here


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