Project details for Pynopticon

Screenshot Pynopticon 0.1

by Wiecki - February 1, 2009, 18:55:10 CET [ Project Homepage BibTeX Download ]

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Pynopticon is a toolbox that allows you to create and train your own object recognition classifiers. It makes rapid prototyping of object recognition work flows a snap. Simply create a dataset of your favorite image categories, choose some feature extraction methods (e.g. SIFT), post-processing (clustering, histograms, normalization) and a classifier to train (e.g. SVM, Bayes, Descision Trees) and leave the rest to Pynopticon. Pynopticon integrates with the Orange toolbox for machine learning which provides it with a userfriendly GUI. Special care has been taken to let the user decide if he wants to have a lower memory footprint or be computationally more efficient. All this makes Pynopticon a perfect tool for lectures and their students, beginners in object recognition but also computer vision researches who can easily integrate their own algorithms into Pynopticon.

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BibTeX Entry: Download
Supported Operating Systems: Agnostic
Data Formats: None
Tags: Classification, Workflow, Bag Of Features, Object Recognition, Toolbox
Archive: download here


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