Project details for PALMA: mRNA to Genome Alignments using Large Margin Algorithms

Logo PALMA: mRNA to Genome Alignments using Large Margin Algorithms 0.3.7

by gxr - November 26, 2007, 21:14:57 CET [ Project Homepage BibTeX Download ]

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PALMA computes the optimal spliced alignment of a mRNA sequence to a genomic sequence. The main python script takes two FASTA files containing the target (e.g. a DNA sequence, part of the genome) and query sequences (e.g. a cDNA or EST sequence). It creates an alignment using dynamic programming (written in c++), and returns the alignment.

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BibTeX Entry: Download
Supported Operating Systems: Linux, Macosx
Data Formats: None
Tags: Bioinformatics, Shogun, Alignment, Sequence Analysis, Structured Outputs
Archive: download here


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