cjb60 has posted 1 project.

Logo PyScriptClassifier 0.3.0

by cjb60 - November 25, 2015, 04:07:51 CET [ Project Homepage BibTeX BibTeX for corresponding Paper Download ] 14582 views, 3907 downloads, 0 subscriptions

About: Easily prototype WEKA classifiers and filters using Python scripts.



  • Filters have now been implemented.
  • Classifier and filter classes satisfy base unit tests.


  • Can now choose to save the script in the model using the -save flag.


  • Added Python 3 support.
  • Added uses decorator to prevent non-essential arguments from being passed.
  • Fixed nasty bug where imputation, binarisation, and standardisation would not actually be applied to test instances.
  • GUI in WEKA now displays the exception as well.
  • Fixed bug where single quotes in attribute values could mess up args creation.
  • ArffToPickle now recognises class index option and arguments.
  • Fix nasty bug where filters were not being saved and were made from scratch from test data.


  • ArffToArgs gets temporary folder in a platform-independent way, instead of assuming /tmp/.
  • Can now save args in ArffToPickle using save.


  • Initial release.