Sergey_Bochkanov has posted 1 project.

Logo ALGLIB 2.4.0

by Sergey_Bochkanov - March 10, 2010, 14:07:35 CET [ Project Homepage BibTeX Download ] 18080 views, 5460 downloads, 0 subscriptions

About: ALGLIB is an open source numerical analysis library distributed under GPL 2+. It implements both general numerical algorithms and machine learning algorithms. ALGLIB can be used from C#, C++, FreePascal, VBA and other languages. It is the only numerical analysis library which uses automatic translation to generate source code written in different programming languages with 100% identical functionality.

  1. New algorithms implemented: exact and approximate nearest neighbor search using kd-trees, new multidimensional scattered data interpolation/fitting algorithm with O(N·logN) complexity (modified Shepard's method with fast k-NN queries), linear algebra algorithms

  2. faster QR/LQ, matrix inversion, condition number estimation.

  3. Minor fixes