About: Jatecs is an open source Java library focused on automatic text categorization. Changes:Initial Announcement on mloss.org.
About: A comprehensive data mining environment, with a variety of machine learning components. Changes:Modifications following feedback from Knime main Author.
About: OpenPR-NBEM is an C++ implementation of Naive Bayes Classifier, which is a well-known generative classification algorithm for the application such as text classification. The Naive Bayes algorithm requires the probabilistic distribution to be discrete. OpenPR-NBEM uses the multinomial event model for representation. The maximum likelihood estimate is used for supervised learning, and the expectation-maximization estimate is used for semi-supervised and un-supervised learning. Changes:Initial Announcement on mloss.org.
About: This program is a C++ implementation of Naive Bayes Classifier, which is a well-known generative classification algorithm for the application such as text classification. The Naive Bayes algorithm requires the probabilistic distribution to be discrete. The program uses the multinomial event model for representation, the maximum likelihood estimate with a Laplace smoothing technique for learning parameters. A sparse-data structure is defined to represent the feature vector in the program to seek higher computational speed. Changes:Initial Announcement on mloss.org.
About: This software package implements a series of statistical mixture models for bilingual text classificacion trained by the EM algorihtm. Changes:Initial Announcement on mloss.org.