Projects that are tagged with sequences.

Logo seglearn 0.1

by dmbee - March 14, 2018, 21:45:46 CET [ Project Homepage BibTeX Download ] 9386 views, 3448 downloads, 0 subscriptions

About: Python module for machine learning multivariate time series


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Logo Market Basket Synthetic Data Generator v1.0.0.0

by apitman - February 9, 2011, 11:26:55 CET [ Project Homepage BibTeX Download ] 9590 views, 2593 downloads, 0 subscriptions

About: An open-source C# market-basket synthetic data generator, capable of creating transactions, sequences and taxonomies, based on the IBM Quest version. Written to address the maintainability and portability problems of the original, feedback, fixes and extensions are encouraged!


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