Projects that are tagged with reinforcement learning library.

Logo RLPy 1.3a

by bobklein2 - August 28, 2014, 14:34:35 CET [ Project Homepage BibTeX Download ] 16032 views, 3705 downloads, 0 subscriptions

About: RLPy is a framework for performing reinforcement learning (RL) experiments in Python. RLPy provides a large library of agent and domain components, and a suite of tools to aid in experiments (parallelization, hyperparameter optimization, code profiling, and plotting).

  • Fixed bug where results using same random seed were different with visualization turned on/off
  • Created RLPy package on pypi (Available at
  • Switched from custom logger class to python default
  • Added unit tests
  • Code readability improvements (formatting, variable names/ordering)
  • Restructured TD Learning heirarchy
  • Updated tutorials

Logo RLLib Lightweight On or Off Policy Reinforcement Learning Library 2.0

by saminda - April 25, 2014, 02:58:32 CET [ Project Homepage BibTeX BibTeX for corresponding Paper Download ] 43278 views, 9707 downloads, 0 subscriptions

About: RLLib is a lightweight C++ template library that implements incremental, standard, and gradient temporal-difference learning algorithms in Reinforcement Learning. It is an optimized library for robotic applications and embedded devices that operates under fast duty cycles (e.g., < 30 ms). RLLib has been tested and evaluated on RoboCup 3D soccer simulation agents, physical NAO V4 humanoid robots, and Tiva C series launchpad microcontrollers to predict, control, learn behaviors, and represent learnable knowledge. The implementation of the RLLib library is inspired by the RLPark API, which is a library of temporal-difference learning algorithms written in Java.


Current release version is v2.0.