About: This package is an implementation of a linear RankSVM solver with non-convex regularization. Changes:Initial Announcement on mloss.org.
About: This letter proposes a new multiple linear regression model using regularized correntropy for robust pattern recognition. First, we motivate the use of correntropy to improve the robustness of the classicalmean square error (MSE) criterion that is sensitive to outliers. Then an l1 regularization scheme is imposed on the correntropy to learn robust and sparse representations. Based on the half-quadratic optimization technique, we propose a novel algorithm to solve the nonlinear optimization problem. Second, we develop a new correntropy-based classifier based on the learned regularization scheme for robust object recognition. Extensive experiments over several applications confirm that the correntropy-based l1 regularization can improve recognition accuracy and receiver operator characteristic curves under noise corruption and occlusion. Changes:Initial Announcement on mloss.org.
About: Robust sparse representation has shown significant potential in solving challenging problems in computer vision such as biometrics and visual surveillance. Although several robust sparse models have been proposed and promising results have been obtained, they are either for error correction or for error detection, and learning a general framework that systematically unifies these two aspects and explore their relation is still an open problem. In this paper, we develop a half-quadratic (HQ) framework to solve the robust sparse representation problem. By defining different kinds of half-quadratic functions, the proposed HQ framework is applicable to performing both error correction and error detection. More specifically, by using the additive form of HQ, we propose an L1-regularized error correction method by iteratively recovering corrupted data from errors incurred by noises and outliers; by using the multiplicative form of HQ, we propose an L1-regularized error detection method by learning from uncorrupted data iteratively. We also show that the L1-regularization solved by soft-thresholding function has a dual relationship to Huber M-estimator, which theoretically guarantees the performance of robust sparse representation in terms of M-estimation. Experiments on robust face recognition under severe occlusion and corruption validate our framework and findings. Changes:Initial Announcement on mloss.org.
About: Ran He, Wei-Shi Zheng,Tieniu Tan, and Zhenan Sun. Half-quadratic based Iterative Minimization for Robust Sparse Representation. Submitted to IEEE Trans. on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence. Changes:Initial Announcement on mloss.org.