Projects that are tagged with icml2010.

Logo Universal Java Matrix Package 0.3.0

by arndt - July 31, 2015, 14:23:14 CET [ Project Homepage BibTeX BibTeX for corresponding Paper Download ] 28055 views, 5329 downloads, 0 subscriptions

About: The Universal Java Matrix Package (UJMP) is a data processing tool for Java. Unlike JAMA and Colt, it supports multi-threading and is therefore much faster on current hardware. It does not only support matrices with double values, but instead handles every type of data as a matrix through a common interface, e.g. CSV files, Excel files, images, WAVE audio files, tables in SQL data bases, and much more.


Updated to version 0.3.0

Logo JMLR Mulan 1.5.0

by lefman - February 23, 2015, 21:19:05 CET [ Project Homepage BibTeX BibTeX for corresponding Paper Download ] 55131 views, 14761 downloads, 0 subscriptions

About: Mulan is an open-source Java library for learning from multi-label datasets. Multi-label datasets consist of training examples of a target function that has multiple binary target variables. This means that each item of a multi-label dataset can be a member of multiple categories or annotated by many labels (classes). This is actually the nature of many real world problems such as semantic annotation of images and video, web page categorization, direct marketing, functional genomics and music categorization into genres and emotions.



  • Added the MLCSSP algorithm (from ICML 2013)
  • Enhancements of multi-target regression capabilities
  • Improved CLUS support
  • Added pairwise classifier and pairwise transformation


  • Providing training data in the Evaluator is unnecessary in the case of specific measures.
  • Examples with missing ground truth are not skipped for measures that handle missing values.
  • Added logistics and squared error losses and measures

Bug fixes

  • IndexOutOfBounds in calculation of MiAP and GMiAP
  • Bug fix in
  • When in rank/score mode the meta-data contained additional unecessary attributes. (Newton Spolaor)

API changes

  • Upgrade to Java 7
  • Upgrade to Weka 3.7.10


  • Small changes and improvements in the wrapper classes for the CLUS library
  • (new experiment)
  • Enumeration is now used for specifying the type of meta-data. (Newton Spolaor)

Logo JMLR SHOGUN 4.0.0

by sonne - February 5, 2015, 09:09:37 CET [ Project Homepage BibTeX BibTeX for corresponding Paper Download ] 211705 views, 34026 downloads, 0 subscriptions

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(based on 6 votes)

About: The SHOGUN machine learning toolbox's focus is on large scale learning methods with focus on Support Vector Machines (SVM), providing interfaces to python, octave, matlab, r and the command line.


This release features the work of our 8 GSoC 2014 students [student; mentors]:

  • OpenCV Integration and Computer Vision Applications [Abhijeet Kislay; Kevin Hughes]
  • Large-Scale Multi-Label Classification [Abinash Panda; Thoralf Klein]
  • Large-scale structured prediction with approximate inference [Jiaolong Xu; Shell Hu]
  • Essential Deep Learning Modules [Khaled Nasr; Sergey Lisitsyn, Theofanis Karaletsos]
  • Fundamental Machine Learning: decision trees, kernel density estimation [Parijat Mazumdar ; Fernando Iglesias]
  • Shogun Missionary & Shogun in Education [Saurabh Mahindre; Heiko Strathmann]
  • Testing and Measuring Variable Interactions With Kernels [Soumyajit De; Dino Sejdinovic, Heiko Strathmann]
  • Variational Learning for Gaussian Processes [Wu Lin; Heiko Strathmann, Emtiyaz Khan]

It also contains several cleanups and bugfixes:


  • New Shogun project description [Heiko Strathmann]
  • ID3 algorithm for decision tree learning [Parijat Mazumdar]
  • New modes for PCA matrix factorizations: SVD & EVD, in-place or reallocating [Parijat Mazumdar]
  • Add Neural Networks with linear, logistic and softmax neurons [Khaled Nasr]
  • Add kernel multiclass strategy examples in multiclass notebook [Saurabh Mahindre]
  • Add decision trees notebook containing examples for ID3 algorithm [Parijat Mazumdar]
  • Add sudoku recognizer ipython notebook [Alejandro Hernandez]
  • Add in-place subsets on features, labels, and custom kernels [Heiko Strathmann]
  • Add Principal Component Analysis notebook [Abhijeet Kislay]
  • Add Multiple Kernel Learning notebook [Saurabh Mahindre]
  • Add Multi-Label classes to enable Multi-Label classification [Thoralf Klein]
  • Add rectified linear neurons, dropout and max-norm regularization to neural networks [Khaled Nasr]
  • Add C4.5 algorithm for multiclass classification using decision trees [Parijat Mazumdar]
  • Add support for arbitrary acyclic graph-structured neural networks [Khaled Nasr]
  • Add CART algorithm for classification and regression using decision trees [Parijat Mazumdar]
  • Add CHAID algorithm for multiclass classification and regression using decision trees [Parijat Mazumdar]
  • Add Convolutional Neural Networks [Khaled Nasr]
  • Add Random Forests algorithm for ensemble learning using CART [Parijat Mazumdar]
  • Add Restricted Botlzmann Machines [Khaled Nasr]
  • Add Stochastic Gradient Boosting algorithm for ensemble learning [Parijat Mazumdar]
  • Add Deep contractive and denoising autoencoders [Khaled Nasr]
  • Add Deep belief networks [Khaled Nasr]


  • Fix reference counting bugs in CList when reference counting is on [Heiko Strathmann, Thoralf Klein, lambday]
  • Fix memory problem in PCA::apply_to_feature_matrix [Parijat Mazumdar]
  • Fix crash in LeastAngleRegression for the case D greater than N [Parijat Mazumdar]
  • Fix memory violations in bundle method solvers [Thoralf Klein]
  • Fix fail in library_mldatahdf5.cpp example when is not working properly [Parijat Mazumdar]
  • Fix memory leaks in Vowpal Wabbit, LibSVMFile and KernelPCA [Thoralf Klein]
  • Fix memory and control flow issues discovered by Coverity [Thoralf Klein]
  • Fix R modular interface SWIG typemap (Requires SWIG >= 2.0.5) [Matt Huska]

Cleanup and API Changes

  • PCA now depends on Eigen3 instead of LAPACK [Parijat Mazumdar]
  • Removing redundant and fixing implicit imports [Thoralf Klein]
  • Hide many methods from SWIG, reducing compile memory by 500MiB [Heiko Strathmann, Fernando Iglesias, Thoralf Klein]

Logo JMLR MultiBoost 1.2.02

by busarobi - March 31, 2014, 16:13:04 CET [ Project Homepage BibTeX BibTeX for corresponding Paper Download ] 87854 views, 14442 downloads, 0 subscriptions

About: MultiBoost is a multi-purpose boosting package implemented in C++. It is based on the multi-class/multi-task AdaBoost.MH algorithm [Schapire-Singer, 1999]. Basic base learners (stumps, trees, products, Haar filters for image processing) can be easily complemented by new data representations and the corresponding base learners, without interfering with the main boosting engine.


Major changes :

  • The “early stopping” feature can now based on any metric output with the --outputinfo command line argument.

  • Early stopping now works with --slowresume command line argument.

Minor fixes:

  • More informative output when testing.

  • Various compilation glitch with recent clang (OsX/Linux).

Logo scikits.learn 0.6

by fabianp - December 22, 2010, 11:58:30 CET [ Project Homepage BibTeX Download ] 18620 views, 3821 downloads, 0 subscriptions

Rating Whole StarWhole StarWhole StarWhole Star1/2 Star
(based on 3 votes)

About: Obsolete. Use instead.


0.6 release

Logo jblas 1.1.1

by mikio - September 1, 2010, 13:53:51 CET [ Project Homepage BibTeX Download ] 33598 views, 8063 downloads, 0 subscriptions

Rating Whole StarWhole StarWhole Star1/2 StarEmpty Star
(based on 2 votes)

About: jblas is a fast linear algebra library for Java. jblas is based on BLAS and LAPACK, the de-facto industry standard for matrix computations, and uses state-of-the-art implementations like ATLAS for all its computational routines, making jBLAS very fast.


Changes from 1.0:

  • Added singular value decomposition
  • Fixed bug with returning complex values
  • Many other minor improvements

Logo JMLR FastInf 1.0

by arielj - June 4, 2010, 14:04:37 CET [ Project Homepage BibTeX Download ] 17921 views, 5888 downloads, 0 subscriptions

About: The library is focused on implementation of propagation based approximate inference methods. Also implemented are a clique tree based exact inference, Gibbs sampling, and the mean field algorithm.


Initial Announcement on

Logo Dependency modeling toolbox 0.2

by lml - April 30, 2010, 14:38:45 CET [ Project Homepage BibTeX BibTeX for corresponding Paper Download ] 20861 views, 3563 downloads, 0 subscriptions

About: Investigation of dependencies between multiple data sources allows the discovery of regularities and interactions that are not seen in individual data sets. The demand for such methods is increasing with the availability and size of co-occurring observations in computational biology, open data initiatives, and in other domains. We provide practical, open access implementations of general-purpose algorithms that help to realize the full potential of these information sources.


Three independent modules (drCCA, pint, MultiWayCCA) have been added.

Logo OpenKernel library 0.1

by allauzen - April 23, 2010, 05:25:20 CET [ Project Homepage BibTeX Download ] 21236 views, 3823 downloads, 0 subscriptions

Rating Whole StarWhole Star1/2 StarEmpty StarEmpty Star
(based on 1 vote)

About: OpenKernel is a library for creating, combining, learning and using kernels for machine learning applications.


Initial Announcement on

Logo yaplf 0.7

by malchiod - April 22, 2010, 11:34:07 CET [ Project Homepage BibTeX Download ] 9650 views, 2512 downloads, 0 subscriptions

About: yaplf (Yet Another Python Learning Framework) is an extensible machine learning framework written in python


Initial Announcement on

Logo Bilingual Text Classification 0.1

by jorcisai - April 9, 2010, 15:13:08 CET [ BibTeX BibTeX for corresponding Paper Download ] 8696 views, 2646 downloads, 0 subscriptions

About: This software package implements a series of statistical mixture models for bilingual text classificacion trained by the EM algorihtm.


Initial Announcement on

Logo The GIDOC prototype 1.1

by nserrano - April 9, 2010, 12:57:00 CET [ Project Homepage BibTeX BibTeX for corresponding Paper Download ] 13923 views, 2548 downloads, 0 subscriptions

About: GIDOC (Gimp-based Interactive transcription of old text DOCuments) is a computer-assisted transcription prototype for handwritten text in old documents. It is a first attempt to provide integrated support for interactive-predictive page layout analysis, text line detection and handwritten text transcription. GIDOC is built on top of the well-known GNU Image Manipulation Program (GIMP), and uses standard techniques and tools for handwritten text preprocessing and feature extraction, HMM-based image modelling, and language modelling.


Updated version for mloss 2010

Logo JMLR PyBrain 0.3

by bayerj - March 3, 2010, 15:00:08 CET [ Project Homepage BibTeX BibTeX for corresponding Paper Download ] 34380 views, 4684 downloads, 0 subscriptions

About: PyBrain is a versatile machine learning library for Python. Its goal is to provide flexible, easy-to-use yet still powerful algorithms for machine learning tasks, including a variety of predefined [...]

  • more documentation, including new tutorials
  • new and updated example scripts
  • major restructuring of the reinforcement learning part
  • homogeneous interface for optimization algorithms
  • fast networks (arac) are now in an independent package
  • new algorithms, network structures, tools...