About: This project is a C++ toolkit containing machine learning algorithms and tools for creating complex software in C++ to solve real world problems. Changes:This release adds a bunch of new image processing routines as well as many minor usability improvements and bug fixes.
About: A fast and scalable graph-based clustering algorithm based on the eigenvectors of the nonlinear 1-Laplacian. Changes:
About: MLweb is an open source project that aims at bringing machine learning capabilities into web pages and web applications, while maintaining all computations on the client side. It includes (i) a javascript library to enable scientific computing within web pages, (ii) a javascript library implementing machine learning algorithms for classification, regression, clustering and dimensionality reduction, (iii) a web application providing a matlab-like development environment. Changes:
About: Kernel-based Learning Platform (KeLP) is Java framework that supports the implementation of kernel-based learning algorithms, as well as an agile definition of kernel functions over generic data representation, e.g. vectorial data or discrete structures. The framework has been designed to decouple kernel functions and learning algorithms, through the definition of specific interfaces. Once a new kernel function has been implemented, it can be automatically adopted in all the available kernel-machine algorithms. KeLP includes different Online and Batch Learning algorithms for Classification, Regression and Clustering, as well as several Kernel functions, ranging from vector-based to structural kernels. It allows to build complex kernel machine based systems, leveraging on JSON/XML interfaces to instantiate prediction models without writing a single line of code. Changes:In addition to minor improvements and bug fixes, this release includes:
Check out this new version from our repositories. API Javadoc is already available. Your suggestions will be very precious for us, so download and try KeLP 2.2.2!
About: The Weka workbench contains a collection of visualization tools and algorithms for data analysis and predictive modelling, together with graphical user interfaces for easy access to this [...] Changes:This release include a lot of bug fixes and improvements. Some of these are detailed at http://jira.pentaho.com/projects/DATAMINING/issues/DATAMINING-771 As usual, for a complete list of changes refer to the changelogs.
About: This is a tool for retrieving nearest neighbors and clustering of large categorical data sets represented in transactional form. The clustering is achieved via a locality-sensitive hashing of categorical datasets for speed and scalability. Changes:Initial Announcement on mloss.org.
About: A generalized version of spectral clustering using the graph p-Laplacian. Changes:various internal optimizations
About: The apcluster package implements Frey's and Dueck's Affinity Propagation clustering in R. The package further provides leveraged affinity propagation, exemplar-based agglomerative clustering, and various tools for visual analysis of clustering results. Changes:
About: ADENINE (A Data ExploratioN pIpeliNE) is a machine learning framework for data exploration that encompasses state-of-the-art techniques for missing values imputing, data preprocessing, unsupervised feature learning and clustering tasks. Changes:
About: ELKI is a framework for implementing data-mining algorithms with support for index structures, that includes a wide variety of clustering and outlier detection methods. Changes:Additions and improvements from ELKI 0.7.0 to 0.7.1: Algorithm additions:
Important bug fixes:
UI improvements:
Smaller changes:
About: An extensible C++ library of Hierarchical Bayesian clustering algorithms, such as Bayesian Gaussian mixture models, variational Dirichlet processes, Gaussian latent Dirichlet allocation and more. Changes:New maximum cluster argument for all algorithms. Also no more matlab interface since it seemed no one was using it, and I cannot support it any longer.
About: Apache Mahout is an Apache Software Foundation project with the goal of creating both a community of users and a scalable, Java-based framework consisting of many machine learning algorithm [...] Changes:Apache Mahout introduces a new math environment we call Samsara, for its theme of universal renewal. It reflects a fundamental rethinking of how scalable machine learning algorithms are built and customized. Mahout-Samsara is here to help people create their own math while providing some off-the-shelf algorithm implementations. At its core are general linear algebra and statistical operations along with the data structures to support them. You can use is as a library or customize it in Scala with Mahout-specific extensions that look something like R. Mahout-Samsara comes with an interactive shell that runs distributed operations on a Spark cluster. This make prototyping or task submission much easier and allows users to customize algorithms with a whole new degree of freedom. Mahout Algorithms include many new implementations built for speed on Mahout-Samsara. They run on Spark 1.3+ and some on H2O, which means as much as a 10x speed increase. You’ll find robust matrix decomposition algorithms as well as a Naive Bayes classifier and collaborative filtering. The new spark-itemsimilarity enables the next generation of cooccurrence recommenders that can use entire user click streams and context in making recommendations.
About: The Cognitive Foundry is a modular Java software library of machine learning components and algorithms designed for research and applications. Changes:
About: SALSA (Software lab for Advanced machine Learning with Stochastic Algorithms) is an implementation of the well-known stochastic algorithms for Machine Learning developed in the high-level technical computing language Julia. The SALSA software package is designed to address challenges in sparse linear modelling, linear and non-linear Support Vector Machines applied to large data samples with user-centric and user-friendly emphasis. Changes:Initial Announcement on mloss.org.
About: Learning M-Way Tree - Web Scale Clustering - EM-tree, K-tree, k-means, TSVQ, repeated k-means, clustering, random projections, random indexing, hashing, bit signatures Changes:Initial Announcement on mloss.org.
About: Cluster quality Evaluation software. Implements cluster quality metrics based on ground truths such as Purity, Entropy, Negentropy, F1 and NMI. It includes a novel approach to correct for pathological or ineffective clusterings called 'Divergence from a Random Baseline'. Changes:Moved project to GitHub.
About: The auto-encoder based data clustering toolkit provides a quick start of clustering based on deep auto-encoder nets. This toolkit can cluster data in feature space with a deep nonlinear nets. Changes:Initial Announcement on mloss.org.
About: Hubness-aware Machine Learning for High-dimensional Data Changes:
About: C++ software for statistical classification, probability estimation and interpolation/non-linear regression using variable bandwidth kernel estimation. Changes:New in Version 0.9.8:
About: STK++: A Statistical Toolkit Framework in C++ Changes:Inegrating openmp to the current release. Many enhancement in the clustering project. bug fix